View Full Version : Lights and scrubber

04-16-2010, 12:16 AM
Hi all,

I have noticed that every reference made to lighting is for the US spec type. Those are not working in the EU and in order to avaid the addition of a tranformer, does anyone know a good source for 60 cm 2 x 24 watts t5's or good strong spot grow lights?

At the momment im using 4 x 23 watt cfl on my 11 x 11, with no grate results i must say at the momment. Scrubber is up and running for the third week now.

I have finished the design to update my scrubber to a bigger one - new one is 18 x 14, double sided BUT im stuck with lights.

Any help would be great.

04-16-2010, 06:42 AM
Do you have a pic? How are your lights pointed and what Kelvin are they and how close? Is the screen really rough? Whats the flow? Kinda weird that it's 3 weeks with nothing. I have a 14x16 screen on a 120gallon fed by an overflow box with 4x 23w cfl 2700k on each side (8 bulbs) and you should have gotten at least something the 1st day? Guess Santa Monica can figure this out best but probably has something to do with the lights/feeding.

04-16-2010, 11:40 AM
A large number of fluorescent compact electronic ballasts handle 120/240V input voltage automatically.
The cheap magnetic ones don't, but you will not be seeing those on aquarium equipment.
It is very easy for them to do that, and saves stocking and different designs.
So there is a very good chance that the lights will simply work, as-is.
** But don't just plug it in and try it **

You might be able to contact the manufacturer and check.
You might be able to open it up, look at the part number on the ballast, then check on the web for that data sheet.