View Full Version : Harvesting pods with a sump based scrubber

04-21-2010, 12:32 PM
I know generally you don't have to "harvest" them. But when I put a rock into my scrubber to speed up the coraline growth on it. When I pulled it out a few days later to check on it. It was CRAWLING with pods of all sorts. I've never seen so many on a rock before. I never see them in my Display. Though its quite obvious they are in there. I have two mandarins and a scooter blenny along with all the other fish in the tank eating pods and everyone is rather healthy.

I dumped in a few more rocks. took them out next day..same thing..just crawling with the buggers. drop it in the main tank and its certainly a mandarin magnet...though my scooter blenny is usually a little quicker to the punch than either my spotted or green mandarin are...you know mandarins..about the most laid back fish i've ever encountered.

Anyway Santamonica threw out a nugget of wisdom. drop in some filter floss. Did that. Now I do it every day! I got two small 4"x4" chunks that I have weighted down with a rock. I swish them out in the display tank every day releasing a bunch of mature pods and fine haze that I'd guess would be copepods?? its awfull clean white to be much other than pods really. I'm hoping to increase my levels in the display tank to where I might see pods here and there..i don't know maybe I never will with that many pod eaters on the prowl..maybe I need to throw an algae wafer into my pod pile in the display tank..lol think that would work?

04-27-2010, 10:18 AM
Thanks for the post. I'm gonna try that out and see how it works for me !!

05-08-2010, 06:45 AM
Interesting find. I remember reading that some folks position their ATS up high behind their display tank so that the water returns to the tank right after exiting the ATS. They do this so that the pods feed into the display tank naturally.