View Full Version : Longlasting t5 light

05-01-2010, 05:30 AM
Hey guys. I saw these t5 bulbs. They are about twice as expensive as normal t5 bulbs but on the other hand they will last for 10000 hours "that more than a year and 3 months with 18 hours a day"
http://www.dennerle.eu/en/index.php?opt ... Itemid=100 (http://www.dennerle.eu/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=55&Itemid=100)
You can get them in 3000 kelvin but there is one thing that i was wondering about. their uv stop that possess a special UV Stop protective foil which filters out UV light under 400 nm to prevent algae growth. Algae is what i want does it have any importance with their uv stop or will it still work.


Rumpy Pumpy
05-01-2010, 07:23 AM
It says...

"Anti-algae effect"

so I dare say you'd be better avoiding those really.

05-01-2010, 07:25 AM
It's not how long they last, it's how long they stay intense. You can't tell the difference by looking at them, which is why the rule is to replace them every 3 months. But at less that $5 USD each for these, it's a good deal:


...I'm sure there are similar cheap bulbs in the U.K. All bulbs start out strong; some, like hi-temp or rough-service bulbs, stay stronger longer. But unless you have a light meter, and are measuring the output, it's safer to just get cheap bulbs and replace every 3 months.

Also, the "anti-algae" feature of the bulb you posted may be a problem; never seen that before.