View Full Version : Algae scrubber going green and tank turning brown !

05-06-2010, 11:26 AM
I have a 5 month old 20 G reef,the tank is stocked with nearly 20-25 lbs of DIY LR seeded with 3lbs of LR.
The tank is barebottom with no other filtration then a 17" L x 4" W just-over-the-surface-in-tank hang on single sided scrubber.I used Velcro as screen.The scrubber is lighted by 2 x 20 W Daylight CFLs.The scrubber is running for 2 months,there wasn't much growth for first month as there wasn't any bioload.After adding my first fish (a 1.5" regal damsel) the scrubber is growing some good nice green algae.But the tank is covered by brown algae.I feed once daily.The only corals are some three colonies of zoa.The tank has total 2400 L/Hr of flow.

ocean rock
05-06-2010, 11:44 AM
the scrubber show start to get on top of it soon i would think ,

05-06-2010, 04:24 PM
Are you using plastic loop and lock velcro or fabric velcro? If the fabric, I would fear dye might leach out and that would tint the water.
Sounds like diatom. Tank fully cycled?

05-06-2010, 05:31 PM
Can't do anything without before and after cleaning pics, and pics of flow coming off of the screen.