View Full Version : Bubbles

05-29-2010, 03:56 AM
When I do my weekly screen cleaning that the algae sheet is covered with bubbles before I turn off the supply pump. Once the flow stops the bubbles pop and leave behind sort of like pock marks in the algae. Any idea why this is? Good, bad, something I should do about it? I still get good growth and remove a lot of algae every week, just wondering if I this is a sign of something that could be improved upon. Looks like this.



Thanks for looking.

05-29-2010, 09:23 AM
The few times I've seen bubbles, it's when the algae is turning yellow because of not enough flow for the amount of light. But your growth is dark, which usually mean not enough light for the amount of nutrients. So try cleaning it more often... that dark stuff need to come off anyways.

05-30-2010, 04:55 AM

I was looking at the pictures and I cant help but close my eyes. They look gross!
EVeryone faces algae problems in their aquariums or tanks. Sometimes, even I did everything to control the algae from growing in my tank, those petering alge still come out on the surface. Yes, we want everything for our tanks, but there are times that algae can go out of control.

I keep my tank away from direct sunlight coz the sun triggers the growth of algae. I also clean the tank once a week to remove the strands of algae hair, so they wont stuck in the filter and rocks. I also use proper filtration filter and pumps to provide good aeration inside the tank. However, if everything else fails, I opt for algae treatment (http://www.hydra-aqua.us/Pond-Supplies-Lake-Supplies-Fountain-Supplies-s/75.htm) products to avoid worse problems.

05-30-2010, 05:08 AM
Um.... This picture is from my algae turf scrubber filter. It's SUPPOSED to grow algae so it doesn't grow in the tank. Not sure where you're coming from.

05-30-2010, 10:58 AM
there are times that algae can go out of control.

No, there are no times that it can get "out of control". If a scrubber is built and run properly, the algae will grow on the screen, and will come out of the display.

I keep my tank away from direct sunlight coz the sun triggers the growth of algae.

That's because you do not have a properly operating scrubber. If you did, algae would be leaving the display, not growing in the display. Some people actually use scrubbers on outdoor tanks and ponds that are loaded with algae on the bottom, and all the algae disappears.

I also clean the tank once a week to remove the strands of algae hair, so they wont stuck in the filter and rocks.

A properly built and operated scrubber would cause that algae to disappear.

I also use proper filtration filter and pumps to provide good aeration inside the tank.

Aeration has nothing at all to do with removing algae. And, if you did have the "proper" filtration (obviously you don't have a scrubber), then you would not have algae growing.

05-30-2010, 03:01 PM
Lara. I see you're new. We grow algae on purpose here. But in a remote tank, bucket, container out of the main display. Algae is also not a sign of an unhealthy tank but actually a healthy tank. It requires the same life support as the wanted life in a tank. But tends to grow faster than we like it to. So we just give it a place of its own to grow in.