View Full Version : Reef and Coral Nutrition with ATS

06-14-2010, 02:36 AM
As the above subect...

what do you use / dose in your tanks for this?
Does the ATS play any significant role on this?

06-14-2010, 12:41 PM
I just pickle lime my top off water and dose kent essential elements in the recommended dosage once every month or so, I don't do water changes

06-14-2010, 02:22 PM
Algea grows and releases baby copepods, which feed a lot of the corals you want to keep. Also, algae releases proteins, carbohydrates, and amino acids, which all corals eat in the form of absorbed DOC from the water.

Rumpy Pumpy
06-14-2010, 03:06 PM
I'm a newbie to reefing so feel free to take no notice of me but, I'm dosing Seachem Reef Builder (alk), Reef Complete (calcium & magnesium) & Reef Plus (everything else)

I'll probably drop the Complete and Builder when it's finished and use Kalkwasser instead plus a magnesium supplement.

My system seems to eat alk and goes through a fair bit of calcium too.

06-14-2010, 03:21 PM
Santimonica can you elaborate on
Also, algae releases proteins, carbohydrates, and amino acids, which all corals eat in the form of absorbed DOC from the water.

06-14-2010, 03:44 PM
Not sure of what else to say.... algae produces pods and DOC, which is what corals eat.

06-15-2010, 03:41 PM
Even if the algae its not the propper green turf one?
My screen is keep growing brown stuff and still some diatoms spikes in the tank with. I bought recently a Euphillia (torch) and a GBTA. Thats why i made the question in the biginning.

Are there any ATS sucesfull reefers in the forum that use any additives to their systems?

06-15-2010, 06:17 PM
All algae.

06-15-2010, 09:37 PM
I'm too cheap to buy additives. I have some things but don't dose with any of them. I'll add some once in a while but that's far and in between. I don't have all the essential test kits to monitor what I have so no steady adding of any of them.
I swear my reef is run on luck.

06-16-2010, 12:38 PM
Noted. Feeding part is clear. What about trace elements.

Not even calcium? Do you dose any? Or the scrubber keep it to the required levels?

None of you is using a calcium reactor?

06-16-2010, 01:19 PM
once you calcium and alk are at the right levels just use pickling lime powder in your top off water to keep them there, no calcium reactor needed

06-17-2010, 01:21 AM
What do you mean pickling lime powder?

My top off comes directly from the R/O unit in the kitchen and is controlled by a solinoid valve. Its not an option adding anything in the top off i think. I already own a calcium reactor. Is there any othe option for calcium?
Liquid or similar type?

06-19-2010, 05:24 PM
:?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

06-19-2010, 06:28 PM
pickling lime or Kalkwasser is a common way to control PH and calcium

06-19-2010, 10:23 PM