View Full Version : Vodka with ATS?

07-23-2010, 05:41 AM
Well, after successfully using an ATS for over a year now, I am wondering is the addition of dosing Vodka would help coral with color and polyp extension.
I really have no algae left in the system (but have started seeing growth of Cyano over the past 2 weeks).

So, my questions are:

Are any of you dosing Vodka?
If so, are you successful with ATS only and no Skimmer?
Would you imagine the Cyano to flourish or actually be halted by the increase of the other thousands of bacteria?

Current system: 75g main tank with 20g sump (used as the ATS station). Moderate amount SPS, LPS, fishes
Have not used a skimmer in over 1 year
4-8 gal water changes every month
4- 48" T5 tubes


07-23-2010, 11:16 AM
If cyano is starting up again, and it was not there before, you are just losing scrubbing power. Fading lights, slowing flow, etc. If you are feeding the same, the scrubber can be scrubbing less, unless something is slowing down.

But yes, vodka is fine, with or without skimmer. It will slow the scrubber growth, of course.

07-24-2010, 10:57 AM

thanks for the response! I do replace the lights every 3 months or earlier, so, not sure of the difference. Am going to check the K value of recent lights bought.


p.s.: Am assuming ATS efficiency reduces since bacteria proliferate and reduce Algae primarily?

07-24-2010, 12:51 PM
The bacteria don't reduce the algae, they reduce N and P, which reduces the algae. But remember that bacteria use oxygen, not produce oxygen, like algae does