View Full Version : lighting for scrubber

08-09-2010, 10:54 PM
hi, i would like to do DIY like "santamonica 100 acrilyc" but, obviously not as neat as your one :oops:

0.5 actual (not equivalent) fluorescent watts per gallon MINIMUM.

my MT about 576 Ltr, so i need about ( 15 x 70 Cm)both side for the screen.

The question is, if i use the 2x (T5 FL bulb) on each side, 1 bulb its only 14W(70cm) (3500k i think), so the total is only 56W.
Its not even "0.5 actual (not equivalent) fluorescent watts per gallon MINIMUM. "
will the algae grow very slow..?

i just wondering, in santamonica 100 acrilyc, how many watt are u using for each bulb..?

Thanks ;)

08-10-2010, 07:53 AM
56 watts is not enough for your 150 gal tank. That is only 0.3 watts per gallon. You want 0.5 watts per gallon minimum. Mine is 1.0 watts per gallon (each bulb is 24w, and there are 4).

Yes 56w would grow some, and if you did not feed as much as a regular tank, it might be ok.

08-10-2010, 08:06 AM
56 watts is not enough for your 150 gal tank. That is only 0.3 watts per gallon. You want 0.5 watts per gallon minimum. Mine is 1.0 watts per gallon (each bulb is 24w, and there are 4).

Yes 56w would grow some, and if you did not feed as much as a regular tank, it might be ok.

coz i cannot find 24W FL bulb for 70cm long.. :( . in here usually 70Cm = 14 W

08-10-2010, 08:26 AM
14w is T5 regular.

24w is T5HO (high output).

Everyone has them.

08-10-2010, 10:23 AM
ooww.. no wonder.. then i will add 3 x 14W FL bulb ( each side) so the total gonna be 84W for 150 G, which is 0.56 w / gallon . reach the minimum at least :D

Thx's ALOT :D

08-11-2010, 01:53 AM
the 24W T5 Ho's are only 2ft or 60cm lights there are 3 foot ones you are prolly best off using a 3 24W fixture on each side if you need to go higher. or you can use a similar setup to SM's scrubber and use the 4X24W T5's make it a little taller or just feed a fraction less the 100gal scrubber he designed should do a 150gal if you feed conservatly