View Full Version : Scrubber testing advice needed.

08-15-2010, 06:15 PM
So I've got my acrylic scrubber built. It's loosely based on the SM100, for my nano. As soon as I've proven the design, I will share everything I've learned, designs, plans, what worked, what didn't etc. My question is testing... I had one accident, spraying water everywhere, not a big deal, but I've fixed that one, and now on to full tests.

So far, I've been running the scrubber 18h lights on/6 off from a bucket of water that I simply added some fish food to. May or may not be enough to build up ammonia, who knows. It's been running for 2 days now, no issues. My question is, should I continue to run it off tank and see if I can build up some algae? Or should I run it for a week or so, continuing to check for leaks / issues, and then put it on the tank?

Thoughts or opinions please!


08-15-2010, 06:41 PM
The test bucket will grow almost nothing. You need to go ahead and hook it to the tank.