View Full Version : Want to build a Scrubber for a 140
09-13-2010, 06:14 PM
Hey folks. New to the forum and I am very interested in building a scubber for my tank. It is sps dominated and I have been fighting with it for months now. I am getting virtually no grow, none, nada, zero. Colors are decent at best. I have tried everything, vodka, vineager, aggressive skimming, gfo etc. ect. and lots of water changes. Seen another member from another board who has been running a scrubber and said it was the best edition to his tank he had ever done and highly recommended I do the same. Well here I am. So where to start. It's a 140 gal. with a 75 gal sump. 3 sections, skimmer, refugium, and skimmer. The problem is I am very tight on space so the scrubber would have to be placed over the sump some how. So I am looking for ideas and how to's here. I would like to get this done asap. I am sick and tired of fighting with this tank. Been in the hobby for 20 yrs and have never had as many problems as I've had with this tank. Pretty excited about this and hoping for good results.
Thanks in Advance
09-13-2010, 09:05 PM
Remove the skimmer and macros from the fuge (if any). Sump is best just an open water container. Use the open space for the scrubber.
Make a screen 14 X 10 = 140 square inches. Put 4 CFL bulbs on it: 2 X 25 watts on each side.
See the faq for details: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=68 (
09-14-2010, 06:17 PM
Remove the skimmer and macros from the fuge (if any). Sump is best just an open water container. Use the open space for the scrubber.
Make a screen 14 X 10 = 140 square inches. Put 4 CFL bulbs on it: 2 X 25 watts on each side.
See the faq for details: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=68 (
Ok the sump is 4ft long. If the scrubber only needs to be 14" long it could be placed in the return area of the sump or the fuge area. Would that be best. The skimmer is placed in the overflow (from tank) to sump area. You think it best to remove the skimmer before the scrubber in up and running full strength? Also when you say cfl bulbs are you talking about the curly q looking flourescent bulbs? Would it be best if they were in some type of reflector so as to direct the light more towards the screen? Sorry about all the questions but I hope to have this up and running this weekend and want to make sure I know where I'm going before I get there. Also plan to build this out of pvc. 1/2" or 3/4" pvc? I work in a machine shop, how much wider should I make the slot down the middle for the screen to fit into, and should there be slots cut at 90 degrees to the slot going thru length of pipe. I plan to use the pump that feeds my chiller to feed the scrubber so having enough flow will not be a problem.
Thanks for you patience and advise.
09-14-2010, 07:38 PM
i just built my first scrubber also. yes he is talking about the curly q bulbs. and yes to a reflector. i used a clip-on drop light that has the big cone shaped reflector on it . but you can just use the flood/spot cfl bulbs that have a reflector built-in. as far as the slot goes i'm not sure...mine is a loose fit and i think i should go even bigger but only santamonica can tell us for sure:)
09-16-2010, 10:53 PM
Before I built my scrubber, my skimmer sat idle in the sump for about three weeks. Which forced me into action. Shut that thing down while building the scrubber. You said you want it up and running by the weekend. That should be enough time. Sit back and enjoy the quiet. Plus it will compete with the scrubber. I feed mine right from the overflow. I use a HERBIE type and only have the valve open maybe a 1/4 to 1/3 for flow. I run a Quiet One 6000(1506gph) for a return on a 90 gallon tank for idea. With a Durso I'd have it wide open. But that's another topic.
Built mine right into existing sump/fuge. Went horizontal, but vertical is best. I've built it in my head but haven't moved on it yet.
The slot on my screen was made with a 1/8 inch disc in a Dremel and my sort of wobbly hand. Turned out just right. Lucky me.
I have seen some one on here with the added 90 degree cuts like you asked about. Not needed. But doesn't hurt.
New covered the lights well.
09-17-2010, 09:45 PM
I have dual overflows and was thinking about using one of the overflows to feed the scrubbers. Not sure if that is feasable right now. I have a 75 gal. sump but giving serious thought to pulling it out and putting a 40gal in its place and not having the refugium section. or the skimmer section for that matter. If the scrubber will support the tank by itself that would be very cool. I could get rid of some pumps for sure. Now do people still run carbon along with the scrubber.
Also doesn't this forum notify by email when you get replies on threads your involved in?? Will be working on the scrubber this weekend and hopefully have it going.
09-18-2010, 08:54 AM
You could easily downsize your sump. But then the room to be able to throw a problematic fish or other inhabitant is nice.
I have seen set ups with people running other types of media such as carbon. I don't. The reason? None other than I am a very basic no frills keeper. When people come by to get things such as Xenia, Kenya tree and Encrusting Gorg. from me. They grow pretty well in my tank. They are amazed that there is nothing to my system and question why they're running so much on theirs. They then go home and do a search on scrubbers.
I have dual overflows too. Only use one. The other is an emergency overflow if the one in use gets clogged for some reason.
Posting notice? There might be a box to check for it. I haven't seen or looked for one. I just pop in from time to time.
09-18-2010, 04:05 PM
Here is where you select to be notified:
ucp.php?i=prefs&mode=post (
If the scrubber only needs to be 14" long it could be placed in the return area of the sump or the fuge area. Would that be best.
For nutrient reduction, it does not matter where you put it.
You think it best to remove the skimmer before the scrubber in up and running full strength?
If it will give you more room, yes. The skimmer is not doing anything to reduce nutrients, and never has, so removing it won't change anything. All it does is remove food, and if you need to remove food, why are you overfeeding?
Also when you say cfl bulbs are you talking about the curly q looking flourescent bulbs? Would it be best if they were in some type of reflector so as to direct the light more towards the screen?
Something like this:
Also plan to build this out of pvc. 1/2" or 3/4" pvc?
should there be slots cut at 90 degrees to the slot going thru length of pipe.
Not needed.
09-18-2010, 07:52 PM
Ok one more question. Is bigger better in this case? I'm assuming 14x10 is a minimum dimension. So If i build one say 18 or 20 by 10 would there be any benefit? Because if I remove the skimmer I will have lots of room for a larger scubber. Almost forgot. Does the screen go up into the slot a little or just directly below? I know LOTS of questions..... I like getting as much info. as possible before hand so I have a planned attack with fewer glitches along the way.
09-18-2010, 08:00 PM
A little bigger won't hurt, but you must have strong light across the whole thing, so it will require more bulbs.
The screen goes into the slot; does not matter how far.
09-18-2010, 08:05 PM
A little bigger won't hurt, but you must have strong light across the whole thing, so it will require more bulbs.
The screen goes into the slot; does not matter how far.
Ok good. Thanks. I measured both of the screens together and it was .104 so a 1/8" slot will be ok or should it be a little wider to allow water to escape over the screens
09-18-2010, 09:35 PM
A single layer of plastic canvas needs a 1/8" slot.
09-18-2010, 10:53 PM
A single layer of plastic canvas needs a 1/8" slot.
Just to be clear here, I want a double layer of screen, Correct? So the slot would need to be approx. 1/4" wide. Or am I just running 1 screen with lights on both sides?
09-19-2010, 01:08 AM
A single layer is recommended for starting out.
09-19-2010, 09:37 AM
Ok thanks SM. Not sure where I got the idea I needed two layers. No big, both were only 3 bucks. Now I'll have an extra pc
Here's the ATS I just built for tank. I used a simple remote tall thin tank with mini silencer.
I have a 140 (tall 120) and wanted an add on filter. I might redo main filter some time but ease of cleaning is big concern so I like my design so far.
ocean rock
09-26-2010, 09:36 AM
if you can i would go longer rather than taller , when you say your have mayor proplems can you elaborate ???? thanks stew
I don't have major problems with tank so far. Maybe you meant someone else?
ocean rock
09-27-2010, 03:19 PM
if you can i would go longer rather than taller , when you say your have mayor proplems can you elaborate ???? thanks stew
iggy the question was meant for rascal
09-27-2010, 05:07 PM
Yep no matter what I do as far as regular maintance, gfo, carbon, carbon dosing, water changes etc. the corals just don't grow, period. I have tried everything except the scrubber idea. I'm going to keep it simple for now. Screen will be 14 wide x 13 long placed on a stand over my refugium area. I will be taking out all the sand and leaving the macro and rock. It will have 4 lights and plenty of flow. I have an Ehiem 1262 that feeds the chiller and the refugium. Getting rid of the chiller! Been in this hobby for 20+ yrs and had several tanks and have never had this many issues. Grenade is next..... :evil:
09-27-2010, 06:11 PM
Well, growth requires food, and all the methods you said you tried actually remove food from the water. Some people will argue that carbon dosing creates bacteria (which it does) which feed the corals (which they do), but skimmers remove bacteria, so you are back to square one.
All you need for natural reef growth is free-circulating water in your system (no mechanical filters of any kinds), and your scrubber. The scrubber will also supply what algae supplies in the ocean: Vitamins, amino acids, etc, so that you don't have to dose them manually like other people do. After all, in the ocean, algae does all the filtering and all the feeding. 100% of it.
09-27-2010, 08:19 PM
I do feed but it isn't working either. I have had several successful tanks in the past but it just isn't working here. I know several people whose tanks are successful doing the same as myself. I am missing the mark here somehow. So the scrubber is going in. Although not running a skimmer and all the other stuff goes against everything I know I will disconnect it as you suggest. What the heck, what do I have to loose. If this works out I will be going to a smaller sump and no doubt my electric bill will go down. What I would really like to see is some pictures of sps/acro tanks that are being run successfully on a scrubber and no skimmer etc.
09-27-2010, 09:20 PM
Successful sps people usually only care about test numbers here, not pics, but if you search other forums you will find them.
10-10-2010, 10:25 AM
Finally, got the scrubber up and running. So now we wait. Question I have is the water flowing down the screen appears to be flowing more on one side than the other. Is this a problem? I can increase the flow with the turn of a valve. I can give it as much flow as I need to but it really starts making alot of splashing noise. I machined an 1/8" wide slot in the tube, you think I should go wider?
10-10-2010, 12:24 PM
The flow wil fill in as the growth occurs, so don't change anything.
10-10-2010, 12:52 PM
cool thanks
10-10-2010, 03:09 PM
Is it ok to run lights 24/7 till the scrubber starts growing algae or should it be set up 18on/6off from start. Also should the screen be cleaned once a week no matter what?
10-10-2010, 05:49 PM
Just do 18/6 hours ,and 7 days, from the beginning.
10-14-2010, 03:16 PM
Scrubber has been running since Sunday and in 4 days it is starting to get brownish looking growth on it. Should the screen be cleaned completely or should only one side be cleaned. Skimmer has been taken off line also
10-14-2010, 05:33 PM
Clean both sides lightly at 7 days.
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