View Full Version : Need suggestions with my system

09-20-2010, 05:30 PM
I have a problem and could use some advice. My 12 gallon nano with a home made scrubber was looking pretty bad today. The scrubber is starting to look good. Its about 3 weeks old. I have cleaned 1/2 screen once a week. Water flow great. Algae growth in scrubber looks on target.
Now the problem, algae growing everywhere in tank. About a week ago I pulled the foam blocks (3) but left the bio balls and bag of ceramic rings. I looked in the sump and found the bio balls and rings covered with gunk. Washed them with ro water and reinstalled the foam, bio's and rings.
What am I doing wrong?

09-20-2010, 06:11 PM
If you have rock and sand in your tank, then remove everything from your sump. You have food getting trapped in there. And you don't need the bio media anyways, since algae eats ammonia directly.

09-20-2010, 06:28 PM
Yes I have live rock & sand. I'll remove everythjng in the sump except for the pump. :-)
thanks for your quick reply!