View Full Version : Leaching Rocks and Coraline Algae

09-24-2010, 08:34 AM
I have a 55 gal. and a 30 gal., both running on scrubbers for about a year now. However, both have gone through many changes in that time. As of May of this year, I built the scrubbers that you see in the pictures below. Both have good flow and good lighting now and are producing algae as you can see. P and N have both been at 0. I use inexpensive test kits so its hard to tell the true readings.
As you can see from the pics, I still have a lot of green algae growing on the rocks. Also get what looks like staghorn, tree like algae that sometimes grows off the gravel. Still have patchs of red algae that pull off easily from my frogspawn and also some of the rock. Most of this algae is in the 55 gal. The 30 gal. seems to be doing better with not growing algae, however it still has green on the rocks.
My questions are, If there is alot of PO locked up in the rock, could it take a considerable amount of time to remove it?
Also, I am getting tiny spots of coraline algae on the rocks now ( haven't seen any for over a year ) but
it never seems to take off growing
Will this also take some time to improve?
Thanks for all your help in the past !!!!

09-24-2010, 10:55 AM
If the algae is not on plastic parts, and the nutrients test zero, then yes is in the rocks. Mine too 6 months to come out and turn to pure coralline. More bulbs will speed it up, and you could remove them later.

09-24-2010, 06:26 PM
No algae growing on plastic.There is a little on the pump in the 30 gal but its about dead. Mainly the rocks in the 55 gal.
I figured it would take a while but its nice to hear it from some one else. Thanks again for all your Help !!!! :mrgreen: