View Full Version : critic of new scrubber

11-01-2010, 05:51 PM
I have a 45 gal marine combination tank, fish and coral, plus a lot of algae. Have a 10 gallon sump with skimmer and refugium. Reguium contains a large amount of Caulerpa, that I have used in the past to help control the unwanted algae. As you can see from my pictures it has stopped working. Last Tuesday I constructed my first algae skimmer.

I utilize an overflow box, with two 1" drain pipes. Flow through each return pipe is about 180 GPH, total flow 360 gph. I took one of these returns and plumbed in the algae skimmer. Length of mat is 6" and over 9" long. Light source is the twin T5 that I use to light my refugium. Length of tubes 16.5", 36 watt, 6700K, very efficient reflector AH Supply Bright Kit. After one week I have a good coat of brown growth on the mat.

My questions is this the norm for one week, any suggestions, on tweaking my skimmer.


( I tried to post pictures, but was not successful) Here is a picture lint.
http://www.thomasbusinesscenter.com/gal ... temId=3384 (http://www.thomasbusinesscenter.com/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=3384)

11-01-2010, 06:33 PM
That's not bad for a single light. Put a light on the other side and you'll be a lot happier.

Your rocks are full of phosphate. With two bulbs, and reduced feeding, it will take probably a month to see a reduction in the nuisance algae, and 6 months to be completely clean and full of correline. After most of the nuisance algae is gone, however, you can go back to regular feeding.

11-01-2010, 10:08 PM
Thanks for the quick response.

Actually the growth is about the same on both sides. I am going to see if I can figure out a way to change the light source around.

I will post more pictures as this progresses.
