11-16-2010, 11:49 AM
I have been reading up on algae scrubbers and have been wanting to build one for about a
year now. So I finally built one last weekend and just need to put it in place (hopefully tonight)
The scrubber is built into a 26 Gallon plastic box that has about 200" of screen,
for Lighting I have 4 sockets mounted in the sides to use 4 spot lights.
The Bulbs I have are GE 2700K CF spotlights, does anyone know if they are a good choice or not?
Also is there a problem being to close (other than splashing).
Thank you
year now. So I finally built one last weekend and just need to put it in place (hopefully tonight)
The scrubber is built into a 26 Gallon plastic box that has about 200" of screen,
for Lighting I have 4 sockets mounted in the sides to use 4 spot lights.
The Bulbs I have are GE 2700K CF spotlights, does anyone know if they are a good choice or not?
Also is there a problem being to close (other than splashing).
Thank you