11-29-2010, 11:47 AM
I just designed a new ATS using the "bucket format design" mentioned here. The screen is 11 X 10 inches for a display tank of 120 gallons and a sump of 20 gallons and sits vertically with roughed-up plastic canvas on both sides of some eggcrate. I know the designs here mentioned having a double sided screen that was equal to 1 sq inch per gallon for each gallon in the display tank, but I went with a piece of plastic canvas that I found that was 11 by 10 inches. Because of space limitations between the armoire that sits against the wall on one side and the aquarium on the other, I used a rectangular trashcan to design the bucket. The distance between the center pipe that drips water onto the vertical screen and the side walls of the trashcan is about 4 inches on each side.
I saw the "clamp on-type" lights with hoods from Home Depot & picked up two of those but I don't have room for the second light in the cramped space. I had to "wedge" the bucket between the armoire and the aquarium stand. I read that compact fluorescent bulbs between 2300K - 5000K were the best for the ATS. I happen to have two leftover "flood lights" that are normally used for recessed ceiling lighting and can't find the Kelvin temp of these bulbs. I have installed one now to get the ATS going, but I don't have room right now for the second bulb until I design something else.
I was sitting around the office today in a boring meeting and thought about the design plans I saw for some other early model ATS. Since I don't have but 4 inches between the PLASTIC screen and the wall of the PLASTIC trashcan bucket, I'm worried about a large "flood light-like" bulb touching the plastic and melting it. Currently the large flood light is clamped onto the side of the bucket and sits up above the bucket, throwing light into the living room and den. I can't use the hood to focus the light because it is too wide to keep from touching the sides of the trashcan and/or the screen for fear of the hood heating up and melt the plastic. What kind of trapezoidal hood can I use to place a smaller light bulb down into the trashcan? Where can I get one that's about 1-2 inches thick? I have two small fixtures for a 25 watt bulb that's corn cob shaped, but I don't think there are bulbs in the 2300-5000 Kelvin range for that type of fixture.
Can anyone help suggest a smaller bulb than a "flood light" for an ATS?
I saw the "clamp on-type" lights with hoods from Home Depot & picked up two of those but I don't have room for the second light in the cramped space. I had to "wedge" the bucket between the armoire and the aquarium stand. I read that compact fluorescent bulbs between 2300K - 5000K were the best for the ATS. I happen to have two leftover "flood lights" that are normally used for recessed ceiling lighting and can't find the Kelvin temp of these bulbs. I have installed one now to get the ATS going, but I don't have room right now for the second bulb until I design something else.
I was sitting around the office today in a boring meeting and thought about the design plans I saw for some other early model ATS. Since I don't have but 4 inches between the PLASTIC screen and the wall of the PLASTIC trashcan bucket, I'm worried about a large "flood light-like" bulb touching the plastic and melting it. Currently the large flood light is clamped onto the side of the bucket and sits up above the bucket, throwing light into the living room and den. I can't use the hood to focus the light because it is too wide to keep from touching the sides of the trashcan and/or the screen for fear of the hood heating up and melt the plastic. What kind of trapezoidal hood can I use to place a smaller light bulb down into the trashcan? Where can I get one that's about 1-2 inches thick? I have two small fixtures for a 25 watt bulb that's corn cob shaped, but I don't think there are bulbs in the 2300-5000 Kelvin range for that type of fixture.
Can anyone help suggest a smaller bulb than a "flood light" for an ATS?