View Full Version : even lighting doubled my growth

12-16-2010, 07:13 PM
well about 10 days ago i removed my two 43 watt CFL's and replaced them with 4 23 watters for more even light spread and I just wanted to share that the growth on my scrubber is greener and twice as thick than ever before. just wanted to let you guys know that less intense light over a greater area is best!

12-17-2010, 10:10 AM
I have a retangular trashcan bucket for the holder on my PVC pipe. The distance from the screen to the edge of the trashcan is about 3-4 inches. I bought clamp on floodlight lightbulb fixtures for my ATS due to space limitations, so the 23 watt bulbs sit up near the top of the bucket. I know that the bottom of the screen isn't getting as much light as possible, so at a garage sale, I bought two small fixtures which will fit into the trashcan. I'm going to design a holder for the lights so I can mount the 23 watt spiral CFL bulbs vertically and parallel to the screens. Since I'm using CFLs, I don't have to worry about heat. What should I use to keep the water off the wiring? Someone earlier suggested the jelly jar style blb covers. How about some clear acrylic or something cheaper? Any suggestions?

12-19-2010, 08:44 AM
that was me who said "jellyjars" lol but i guess you could make an acrylic barrier between the screen and the lights . build it almost like an aquarium divider only of acrylic...