View Full Version : new tank setup

12-24-2010, 11:15 AM
So I'm starting to plan a 450gal in wall aquarium which I will begin when we move into our new house Jan 20th. I am going to list a few questions, and get your guys opinion. This is a big project, and I want to make sure I am making all the right decisions.

1. Obviously acrylic. It's going to be 84 x 36W x 30H. Anyone have any reccomendations on where to purchase. I've recieved a couple of quotes, one from Tenecor, and the other from fish tanks direct.com. Anyone ever use either on of these?

2. Definately LED's. I am looking at 3 different manufacturers. Would love to here everyones choice if they were to purchase today, or here from actual owners of a LED only aquarium. Speaking of LED's, I will be running 3 of SM's scrubbers. The lights are scaring me with having to replace them every 3 months. Anyone have any experience with a ready to go LED system for a SM scrubber?

3. I would love to hear what everyone's thoughts would be on setting up the sump, and how the plumb this thing. I will be able to place all 3 scrubbers over the aquarium(if that's what everyone is in agreement with) and drain them directly into the aquarium. I am trying to have as few pumps as possible, to obviously cut the monthly cost down. So if I could just run 2 return pumps and somehow have them feed the scrubbers as well????

4. I'm just going to throw this out there for now, more info later...I have a beautiful 180gal reef ready tank that I will be selling. Not sure what equipment I will be keeping and using for the new tank, but for the most part, I believe most of the equipment will be sold and I will start fresh. Someone is going to get a smoking deal. I have over 12k vested. I am located in Orange County CA.

12-24-2010, 11:45 AM
1) My 120x36x30 acrylic tank with dual external 36x6x16 overflows was manufactured by ATM in Vegas. Back was done is black acrylic. I had Tenecor and ATM give me quotes based on my design, and ATM suggested a better design with thicker Acrylic for the same money compared to Tenecor. YMMV.

2) I've run 24 5 foot vho t5's and recently switched to 4 400 watt MH's in lumenbright 3's with t12 actinics for supplementation. I didn't like the t5's at all. They were a complete PITA to maintain. When a tank gets to be your size maintenance is key. I can't stress that enough. The LED's look promising but from a cost perspective they just don't make sense compared to MH. And quite honestly MH's are so cheap to DIY that in a year or two if LED's make sense, sell the things off for whatever you can get and switch. On top of that MH's are stupid easy to maintain.

3) Sump's are nice. sumps not under the stand are nicer. If you can, and have the room, a pump room behind your tank with floor drain, wash tub, work surfaces, fresh and saltwater mixing stations, ect are all a VERY nice luxury. Almost mandatory with a tank your size. If you can, have a large external sump, if just for the reason to hold lots of live rock, introduce kalk, alk, calcium into, heaters, iodine iron mixing, ect, its really nice. Putting scrubbers above it is an added bonus.

12-24-2010, 12:00 PM
I cant really help you with most of your Q's but replacing the bulbs will be a minor hassle and expense. They are only $4 each and if you buy in bulk which you will need to do if you have 3 scrubbers they are cheaper and I think you get free shipping.

I have read many things about LED lights for scrubbers and I don't think they have come up with the right set up yet. I would not risk it on a tank that size. The lights WILL need replacing EVERY 3 months or you WILL regret it. Trust me, you will see algae growth soon after 3 months is up.

12-24-2010, 07:47 PM
thanks for the help!