View Full Version : HLLE or Lateral line disease

12-25-2010, 10:26 AM
Posting here figuring it would get more views. I for one have never had a fish die for reasons concerning my tank health. At least I'm not contributing to anyway. I never noticed any of the three fish that have passed wither away. They have just upped and died. All pretty young fish and happen to be hard to keep fish as well(Anthias). I am buying a couple of fish from a local reefer of which one is a Purple Tang for a very good price. It does have HLLE but is not beyond cure for which I have read up on, and the fish is still very beautiful.
Doing some research I happen upon fish living in eco type systems seems to do better in captivity than those not kept in eco systems. This eco system refered to EcoMudd type. But I don't think you can get anymore eco than a scrubber without releasing our fish back into the wild.

Speaking of the wild. There has never been documented a fish with HLLE in the wild which is definitely the most eco system they can live in. Seeing we're running an eco system I have very high hopes of this fish having a full recovery in my tank. Now the question. Has anyone here with an ATS ever experience HLLE?

12-27-2010, 05:06 AM
HLLE is almost certainly cause by a lack of diet and (possibly) free floating carbon in the system. I read a study (search RC) that showed the effects of nano-particle sized carbon (from carbon filtering) that caused an increase on HLLE. I've also read study's that showed it was from lack of diversity, mainly algal free and protein rich diets that caused this. I (used to) use carbon filtering (pre-rinsed) but fed lots of different food stuffs to my tangs and never had a problem.

12-28-2010, 04:14 PM
Wm. I read that too. Well it happened to be this guy was/is running a giant skimmer and a bunch of carbon along with some other reactor of which I read maybe a contributor to the disease.