01-29-2011, 03:13 AM
After a big push by one of the sponsors on a forum I use regularly, some of us have taken the plunge to start scrubbing. Being ever the sceptic, I have gone for a simple set up on my 3'x 2'x 2', just to check it out.
This is my basic set up:
Originally it was lit on one side by a 6400k bulb:
I then added a second light and placed some tin foil on the cabinet for a reflector:
This was the growth after week 1:
I cleaned only one side after the first week, but went a bit mad and used a toothbrush. I then made another little reflector of tin foil and replaced the 6400k bulbs with 2700k:
The plastic canvas was also about 2" under the water, so I extended the height of the unit. Results after 2 weeks:
This time it was cleaned by just using the fingertips. The growth this week has been phenomenal and I am getting green on the screen. Water flow has been a bit of an issue as I have been using a Maxijet 1200 which only produces 1100lph. I have now ordered a pump that will deliver 2000lph that will hopefully arrive during the week.
A little video of the screen at 17 days (not sure how to embed):
I will be testing my levels this weekend as I removed the phosphate remover last weekend. I still have some Bionatratex in the sump, which I will remove once I get some decent growth.
This is my basic set up:
Originally it was lit on one side by a 6400k bulb:
I then added a second light and placed some tin foil on the cabinet for a reflector:
This was the growth after week 1:
I cleaned only one side after the first week, but went a bit mad and used a toothbrush. I then made another little reflector of tin foil and replaced the 6400k bulbs with 2700k:
The plastic canvas was also about 2" under the water, so I extended the height of the unit. Results after 2 weeks:
This time it was cleaned by just using the fingertips. The growth this week has been phenomenal and I am getting green on the screen. Water flow has been a bit of an issue as I have been using a Maxijet 1200 which only produces 1100lph. I have now ordered a pump that will deliver 2000lph that will hopefully arrive during the week.
A little video of the screen at 17 days (not sure how to embed):
I will be testing my levels this weekend as I removed the phosphate remover last weekend. I still have some Bionatratex in the sump, which I will remove once I get some decent growth.