View Full Version : planning on algea scrubber tomorow. few last minute question

02-13-2011, 07:06 PM
Lets start by saying i have a 30 gallon tank with lots of rock. it holds about 23-24 gallons of water. im thinking about doing a 8"x8" screen with lights only on one side. according to what i read this is enough for 32gallons of water. The reason i am planning it a little bigger than My water capacity is due to the fact all the pictures i have seen the lights really only grow algea in the middle of the screen. i could even go with 2x 23 watt lights if this will help algea growth.
I am going to pick up a 10 gallon tank tomorow to use instead of a bucket. I can place the 10g "sump" at any elevation (it will be behind a false wall so it can be above, at the same level, or even below my existing tank.)
I am thinking i could place my "sump" above my display tank since my DT is not drilled. i could pump out of my display and gravity from my "sump" ?
8" wide screen would require 280gph pump. could i use a powerhead as my pump? what size pipe are most people running to the screen?

I'm sorry for so many questions. i plan on trying to get this going tomorow from parts redily available from petco (i know i know) and lowes. so basically readily available plumbing parts and petco does offer many different powerheads and the tank will come from them.

02-13-2011, 08:55 PM
im thinking about doing a 8"x8" screen with lights only on one side. according to what i read this is enough for 32gallons of water

If it's vertical, it' ok. Non-vertical would need to be bigger.

all the pictures i have seen the lights really only grow algea in the middle of the screen

That's why CFL's are not as efficient as T5HO's... the CFL's concentrate all the light in one spot, and don't give enough light to the outer layers. That's also why several smaller CFL's are better than one bigger one.

i could even go with 2x 23 watt lights if this will help algea growth

A 23 real watt bulb is a good match for an 8 X 8 inch screen.

I am thinking i could place my "sump" above my display tank since my DT is not drilled. i could pump out of my display and gravity from my "sump" ?

Yes, like this:


8" wide screen would require 280gph pump. could i use a powerhead as my pump?

I think a regular pump is better, but other people could give better answers.

what size pipe are most people running to the screen?

3/4 inch.

02-13-2011, 10:40 PM
depending on how far your pushing the water, a maxijet 1600 would do it. I use one and it works great.