Re: rsm with ATS
that is not good news but a little predicted :)
I dont know if I shuld learn live withh the gurgle and splash sounds or mabybe try to put some thinner pipes on the ATS.
As I see it I have to ways to do it:
1: reduce the end of the 32mm`s piping if there exists a pipe reducer going from 32mm to 16mm?
2: make the ATS seperatly in the sump connected to yet another pump with 16mm piping? the most negtive thing here is the more Watt in use :idea:
What do you think?
Re: rsm with ATS
Just re-do it with smaller pipe, and a 1/8 inch slot.
Re: rsm with ATS
You'll have to reduce from 32-25-20mm (wich should be oki if you have good flow). The added wattage is minimal and if it's heat you worry about, that will easily be fixed by using a fan on the scrubber. Also you can use one of your other pumps to feed just plumb it into the system. Like:
Pump->Skimmer->Tube to ATS->Sump
Re: rsm with ATS
thanks for your advices both of you :D
My plan is to reduce the 32mm to 16mm pipes in the area where the ATS is placed...
The pipes en pieces are in the order so I hope I can make the project in the following days...
pictures will follow the work in progrss 8-)
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Re: rsm with ATS
this is a picture of the sreen before cleaning it for the third time :)
There are small areas with green algae under the browm there are small green close to the screen.
Is this normal growth for a three weeks installation?
1 Attachment(s)
Re: rsm with ATS
this after cleaning...
the white areas on the latter picture... Their present, is that because the lack of roughness on the screen, lack of flow, light or maybe normal?
Re: rsm with ATS
Two things:
You have to replace that screen with roughed-up plastic canvas.
Your light is weak.
If you want to keep it the way it is, you can, and get some experience. But for real filtering, you will need to make these changes.
Re: rsm with ATS
I have ripped the screen with a hole-drill like you have shown in some pictures in here but I can do it again, so it will get even more rough. will this be better or do I need to find some of that you call plastic canvas and rough that up?
I dont think the light wil bel changed right now...
Re: rsm with ATS
You'll just be unhappy about your scrubber if you don't, and waste all the time you already spent. I've been there, so I know how frustrating it's going to be when "it doesnt work" happens.
Re: rsm with ATS
Run it the way it is for now, but order some screen and new bulbs. Change them later. This way you will get to see the differences after running for a while.