Seems a bit too far away from the screen, but you have to have it wide enought also..
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Seems a bit too far away from the screen, but you have to have it wide enought also..
yep thats the paradox :)
I Will try to make a holder for the light so it can come a little closer...
Those bulbs look very small. Are they 23 real watts, or equivalent?
Move the bulbs much closer to the screen.
Im impressed! You know your bulbs!!! I had an accident with the two 23w´s and those two are the temps... tommorrow I can get som new 23W´s
And they will get closer... a bit anyhow :D
undskyld mig men hvad har du brugt til screen og hvor har du købt det jag vil også gerne i gang med alge scrubber mit akv er 320 liter
med venlig hilsen michael
the prior question in danish, Was about what I have used for screen...
it is a plastic screen with a lot of holes... But the plastic canvas that people use in here are much better. You can buy it in Jylland. I cant find anywhere in the city Odense :x
try to visit in there we talk(danish) a little about ATS and there is a guy that live close to a hobby store. He can buy it it for you... I know it is a little far fedge :lol:
now the lamps are placed 5cm from each side... Is this too close?
the bulbs are back to 23W each :D