So I finished putting together a simple waterfall style ATS. Unfortunately I can't seem to get even flow over the entire screen. I have a youtube video to show what I have. I will be picking up a second light just like the first later today. Be nice! Thanks!
I've got a piece of screen mesh folded into a "v" shape inserted into the slot pipe ( entire length ) to even flow out by causing a bit of restriction in the pipe. Don't know if that would help you or not, worked on mine. Have you the appropriate flow Smitty ?
It should be very close to the correct flow. It is nice and even down the screen. I can turn it up but it just starts spitting water everywhere.
I didn't think about adding the plastic wrap around the top... I may try to do that as well to help.
I'm not sure I understand your V description. Do you have a picture?
Piece of screen ( length of slot pipe ) about 1 inch wide, folded down the centre (length) to make long channel. I put this in the pipe. Sorry no pics of it. ( i think you've got a larger diameter pipe than me, so don't know if it's feasible for you ).
I understand what you are saying.
The pipe is 3/4" inside diameter.
Maybe worth a go then, if you got some spare screen.
It will flow better when the algae starts to grow, nothing to worry about yet.
Ok, I have both lights up. I picked up CFL bulbs that have a 2700 color temp and they are 23w each. I think the idea of having the screen inside the pipe worked because it is flowing down the whole screen nicely now.
Here are photos with it all set up:
Thanks for looking!
Glad to see my mod worked. Eventually you will need to find a way of making the lights more perpendicular to the screen, but a great start.
Right now the only way I can think of to get the lights perpendicular is to raise the height of the system. If I raise the height of the screen then the water would fall into the sump and not nicely go in as it is now and I'd be dealing with splashing which I'd like to avoid. The only way to avoid that is to make the screen much, much longer. Is that bad?