Yeah, I noticed that. Still looks nice for less than $30 delivered. I couldn't get the parts to build one for that.
Type: Posts; User: MorganAtlanta
Yeah, I noticed that. Still looks nice for less than $30 delivered. I couldn't get the parts to build one for that.
I'd think about putting in a second "emergency" drain and leaving the pipe from that open a little above the water level in your sump. If you hear water splashing out into the sump, you'll know...
Here's an interesting one. Right number of watts and spectrum and priced right for the size scrubbers that people commonly build.
Looks like my design from last year:
Use fishing line, instead of a zip tie, to tie the screen to the loop that goes over the pipe. Also, consider laying a piece of black plastic (like cut from a garbage bag) over the loop to block...
Throw a piece of black plastic bag over the pipe so it hangs down about an inch on either side of the screen. It will help even out the flow and block light as well so the algae won't grow into the...
What is the algae grabbing on to?
If you don't mind the light, I'd leave it. A bit of algae in the sump should let you grow bigger pods and such.
I ran without a skimmer for two years and did fine, but always had diatoms and little places where algae kept coming back in the display. I added a skimmer and started dosing vinegar and those...
Good read.
If strings are the new screen... How about a floating scrubber made with eggcrate with lots of strings attached, maybe one on every side of each 1/2" square, like a rug, with a Koralia powerhead...
So then if there was a "box" that blocked light, but had no bottom, would that be just as good as a box with a bottom?
So thinking about reworking my design, again...
I'm reconsidering the "box" design for a two sided waterfall. What does the box do for you? Anything besides splash/spray protection? What's the...
You need something that will eat the bubble algae, as completely out competing it with the scrubber will be difficult. Emerald crabs and a rabbitfish worked for me.
Haven't tried it, but it looks really good.
30 gallon tank, 15 gallon sump
I had a small tank where the return was the only flow. I drilled the back and put in two 3/4" drains and two 1/2" return outlets. Flow switched between the return outlets with a SCWD to give...
Make sure you have a light guard that stops algae from growing into the slot or you will have to be constantly adjusting your tuning. Black plastic bag material just draped over the pipe works great.
I'd throw in a rabbit fish or two for a while also. Fish are easy to trade off if you do end up conquering the algae.
About 2 cubes a day. Scrubber grew well before the skimmer and vinegar, but couldn't out compete cyano in the display for some reason. The combo of skimmer, vinegar and scrubber seems to be doing a...
Mine hasn't died with vinegar dosing with a skimmer, but has almost stopped growing.
Okay... I've waded through most of this thread, and I'm a bit confused as to what the point being discussed is. Is it that harvesting algae from the system does or does not remove *any* phosphorus,...
Tear it down and start new. 40B sump if that is all that will fit, a decent skimmer and new rock and sand. Otherwise, even if you do "figure it out", it will take months and months to get the...
I've got an ELN30D-48 running 16 red LEDs with no problem. I could do a lot more, probably up to 22, since 16 LEDs only add up to 34 volts or so. Get a driver with a wide output voltage range at...
I like my current single-sided waterfall design:
Looks like it would fit where you have your mangroves now. You'd be in for...
And they also say only feed half a cube a day. Poor little buggers have to turn cannibal to survive, so you notice you don't have many anymore, so you order more, and start the cycle again...
Could you mount them on square aluminum tubing and blow air through it? Make it like a U and blow air in one side and let it come out the other? Put the fan remote and blow the air through a hose...
Without the screen inserted, your slot is probably too wide. Drill the pipe (3/16 holes, half inch or so apart) instead of using a slot. Experiment with the hole size and spacing until you get...
Will you need some active cooling on the LEDs since they will be "mostly sealed"?
I don't use much. I've got a sea cucumber, a half dozen small snails and maybe a dozen small hermits in a 125 gallon. You could stick a big turbo snail in there to prey on the algae for the time...
I've got a screen with 1/8" slots at the top of the drain, so that's not likely to be an issue. Also, 5/16" holes are relatively big, and there are more than are necessary for flow, they really...
The holes you see in the box aren't really holes anymore. I covered them with clear acrylic. I can see where that would be confusing. It's pretty much a just box that stands on legs, with a...
I've had several different scrubbers over the last several years. I never seem to be able to stop tinkering with them. Here's my current design.
It's a single sided waterfall made out of a...
My design has since changed, but I ran my scrubber off a herbie drain for several months with no issues of not keeping a full siphon.
Put a screen over your intake in the overflow box. Also, if you use the "no slot alternative" method for hanging the screen, there is less chance of getting a clog that backs up flow. The main...
The only LEDs I've had trouble with are CREE XR-E royal blues. I've had to replace about 20% of them on my display lights in two years. My scrubber lights are a mix of Epistar, EpiLED and no-name...
A dozen small hermits or snails would be more than plenty. More than that would starve to death once you get things under control. Brittle/serpent stars are cool to watch, so I'd go for one of...
Also cut back on feeding. What do you have in a 39 gal that needs that much food? Figure out what your scrubber will handle then only feed that much.
Make it longer so it dips into the water an inch or two. The unlit lower portion won't hurt anything.
Good harvest with the 8/8 cycle. I'm going to keep going with it.
I'd still think about throwing some 660 reds in there along with the WW, even if it makes the light a little bit pink. You can see from the spectrum graph that the vast majority of the WW light is...
I'd use warm white CFLs if I wanted it to look good in a display. They use more energy, but probably would give better growth the warm white LEDs.
It looks like you might end up with areas that are lit with predominately blue and others that are lit with predominately red. You might want to add another 6 reds or so in the gaps between your...
Do you have a link to that light?
Spread symetrically around.
I use 3W for the reds and 1W for the blues.
It can take weeks to start to grow algae. Be patient. If you have good light and good flow, it will happen.
I set it for 8 on / 8 off after the last cleaning, so we'll see how it goes. My thought is that if it works, I'll split the screen and do the two halves on alternating 8 on / 8 off cycles so that I...
Any reason not to use a cycle like 8 on - 8 off? Would it potentially give 50% more growth than the 8 on 16 off cycle I run now?
If you still have spraying, make your holes larger and/or add more. You need to slow the velocity of the flow. Also, switch to black plastic soon or you are going to get algae in places you don't...