Wow, lots of algae in that display! I think you should feed 1 instead of 2 cubes to lessen nutrient load. I have greater stocking than that and 1 is fine. That foxface is supposed to eat the...
Type: Posts; User: Doug G
Wow, lots of algae in that display! I think you should feed 1 instead of 2 cubes to lessen nutrient load. I have greater stocking than that and 1 is fine. That foxface is supposed to eat the...
The easiest way to deal with nuisance algae in the tank is to get a hearty herbivore of course. Rabbitfish or tang. I have yet to get a scrubber to remove all the nuisance algae, but the rabbitfish...
Oh, there's definitely amphipods running around in there! I have a ton, also mysids, throughout the tank system. They come right back into the surf a day or so after rinsing out.
I don't think the fw is a good tack - was doing that before and it just seemed to set everything back to yellow slime. I added some macro, red Halymenia and sawtooth caulerpa to the surf. Will see...
No freshwater. I think its either amphipods eating the algae or maybe the right kinds of algae aren't present in the system.
Nothing yet. I started it 9/17/13! Still just grunge that doesn't add up to much export.
Its been on 20 hours. I just cranked it up to 22. Cleaned out the jelly every week, or less often. Everything is healthy, but I wish for better nutrient export. Those Acropora tips are bright...
Still not getting the nice masses of bright green hair algae. :(
Only the slow growing dark red wiry stuff, dark or yellow jelly like masses, and coralline algae.
You might try zapping your system with Chemiclean to get rid of the red slime cyanobacteria.
Finally here are some pics of my system. Happy corals and fish, but it does look worryingly eutrophic. The rabbitfish etc. keeps the algae down in the display of course.
This is what it looks like after the weekly cleaning. You can see the tough dark red hair algae, and coralline.
OK, Here is a pic of the slimy yellow brown algae growth. I wouldn't be too bothered by it, but it doesn't grow all that fast, and the harvest weight on a weekly basis is therefore low. Would...
I'm testing the picture upload
Hmmmm, read the thread referenced above. Sounds like all the same old theorizing and logic trails to try and prove one's way is the right way. Yawn.
I think the bacteria could do a vital role in breaking down certain toxins. For example, the old nitrogen cycle thing we all learned about ammonia from livestock being broken down to less toxic...
My Surf 2 has been running a couple months, still not getting a good harvest of nice clean bright green hair algae. I want out at least as much wet weight as the food I put in, hopefully more to...
Hmmmm.... contradictory information and theories...... yikes.
I'd like to report that the 2700K LED lamp at 14W is growing the red Halymenia nicely. The green Halimeda and filamentous algae are...
Hmmm, Ace25 you are rather contradicting some of the other info.....
In the RC thread, "greenbean" was definitely saying red is more watts efficient, hence better growth, than blues, pretty much...
OK -
I seem to have answered my own question by trolling around. It turns out blue light uses more energy to produce (more watts) than red, yet each photon of either color produces the same...
Hey Guys I read through some of your light bulb suggestion and tests threads. Didn't want to derail the other threads, so here goes.....
I am really surprised the consensus is that 2700K bulbs...
Any pics of successful, slick hang on back designs? Seems hard to find.... and would be great for the standard medium sized tanks. I am not so interested in the sump designs, which dominate. I...