I am in the process of setting up a 40 gallon breeder. The tank will be a lightly stocked soft coral tank with 2 or 4 t5ho over the display. As far as fish, I am thinking of 2x sebae clown or 2x bengaii cardinal and an orchid dottyback. I plan to feed everything heavily.
This will be a low tech low energy low cost reef (or at least to the extent a reef tank can be any of these things).
This guy uses (very successfully) a horizontal ATS lit by the main display lighting. If I were to build a setup like his, what sort of light would I need? I know that according to the faq, I am supposed to have 4 watts per gallon, or 160W. However, the guy in the link has a 100 gallon tank with 2x400w metal halides - in order to reach the 4 wpg lighting goal, half of his light would have to end up in the trough. So he has less than 4 wpg on his horizontal ATS. Furthermore, I want the back of my display to be darker than the front, which this would help quite a bit with.
I would likely build a trough about 3"x32-35", basically the biggest 3" trough which will fit inside a 36" tank. I will use a Maxijet 600 or 900 to provide flow. This will only involve simple plumbing and less than 6" of total head loss, which means that a MJ 600 will provide >150 gph and the 900 will provide >210 gph. Which one should I use?
Also, how would I light such a trough? I was thinking 1xt5ho or 1 overdriven t8 normal output would work - with an acrylic splash guard, it should be within 3" of the water flow if not less.
If I do this I will post pictures and results.