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Thread: please define some words for me

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    please define some words for me

    can someone please give me some simple,easy and short definitions of this:


    I have an idea of what they are as I have been reefing for a LONG time now,,but I never had to get that technical...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: please define some words for me

    TOC: A measure for the total organically bound carbon

    DOC: Dissolved organic share of TOC

    Organics: consists of complex metabolic compounds including phenols, organic acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and hormones. The slime you see coming off a coral when it is moved, that is organics.

    Inorganics: ammonia, CO2, carbonates, phosphates, compounds that are inanimate and non-biological in nature.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: please define some words for me

    All organic compounds MUST contain carbon and the vast majority also contain hydrogen, depending on who's definition you go by, however carbon is the given. So things like ammonia NH3 and nitrate NO3 are inorganic compounds.
    Alcohol, sugars, amino acids etc all contain carbon and hydrogen and so are classed as organic, hence vodka dosing of reef tanks is dosing organic carbon.
    Most living things can only extract carbon from organic sources, with the exception of the primary producers such as phytoplankton which use inorganic carbon co2 (no hydrogen atom) dissolved in water for their growth.

    All of the carbon in every living thing originated from these primary producers and without these little fellas life on earth could not exist as there would be no way to get the carbon it needs.

    TOC is the total amount or organically bound carbon and the dissolved element is the percentage that will pass through a certain size molecular filter. DOC is by far the largest percentage of all carbon, 99%?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    Re: please define some words for me

    Organics: Don't forget food, pellets, flakes, frozen cubes, oyster feast, waste, etc.

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