Because the water with ATS systems is very rich on foods, most tanks are lit like crazy so the growth potential is enormous.
The limiting factor here is in my opinion Ca and MG (and eventually a bit of str).
So I was wondering what is the most efficient method for adding there minerals to the water column?
This is my ranking:
1) Balling (light) method - This is flexible, increasing the Ca and Mg levels can out compete any other method..And it's fairly easy to adjust. Not too <a href="">expensive</a>. (So far my favorite for the future)
2) Calcium Reactor - Nice, steady, but size limited in the output capacity. Kinda High on costs (buy and running)..(especially the DeStaCo which I would favor)
3) "Kalkwasser"/ limewatter - Simple, cheap but too limited to meet the potential growth curve..(currently using, but not suiteable for my future plans)
What are the experiences with no water changes and balling? Is that impossible?
What are you currently using and why?
Pro's and Con's are also very welcome..