So is the "Collector UAS" just one of the 4 embodiments?
So is the "Collector UAS" just one of the 4 embodiments?
Is just one of many.
Any releases?
No I'm just too tied up trying to get the HOG.5 built. Everytime I think I can get a few units on the shelf, someone gets them.
Thats a very good thing. But your dropping the ball a bit.. lets get too it.. if i dont see pics of your tank soon im calling shannanigans!.. lol
Catching up on updates... they are posted here...
After spending 2 days reading this entire mega thread. Im very happy to see the upflow design. I've made many waterfall scrubbers down to a pico 1g scrubber. Since I started making LED scrubbers I've been a fan of using 1w LED vs 3w LED. I think the upflow design is well suited for 1w LED because its easy to get the lights very close to the. creen. Instead of using a difuser with 3w LED. It would be better to use 1w LEDs but use 2-3x more to create a much more even spread of light intensity. The Drivers I use are very cheap and tiny and will run 1-3 1w LED at 350ma makinging things quite modular and easy to up/downgrade. I usually just affix the drivers straight to the same heatsink as the LEDs and seem to have an easier time dealing with dissapation of the heat. Also the 1w LED due to this will make a UAS less than 4x3 perfectly fine.
Pictures attached of the drivers I use and bonus pictures of my yet unstarted 3gallon project which a UAS may fit quite interestingly into the center of this ice core beverage dispenser. My aim is no visible equipment period. I HOPE to be able to make it double level sort of spiril witu the lower level lit from inside the ice core and have a narrow chasm/slot that runs vertically from the top to the bottom. Having two small pumps inside that alternate duty. Running the flow one way then the other thru the tank which is basicly a spiril track with a narrow chasm at the top that drops back down to the lower level. Ill start a thread for that when I hammer out the details.
Santa Monica. If your about do you know when your larger hangon type algae scrubber would be available it's just that I'm sure I feed more than 0.5 cubes of frozen food per day. Unless I was to buy 2 of your current ones. Do you have a release date for yours ? Your sexing one that is
Probably before March
So what is this Green Grabber stuff in your HOG1 vids you just posted? Looks like aragonite pressed into silicone??
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