I really hate the thought of doing it (yet again) but I'm thinking I may need to re-do my sump to help get my scrubber working better.
Right now I have the water coming into the sump on the right flowing to the left. I do not have any filter floss or micron bag or anything, it just flows into the first section (separated by about 2" from the right side) and I have the glass there over the water level to help with bubbles from the drop from the tank. It then goes into a section about 13" wide were I have my scrubber, then a section about 12" wide where I have live rock, then a bubble trap and then a return section about 14" wide (I tried to make this bigger to help with evaperation. I now have an ATO.
My sump is a 55g tank. My display is 90g tank. Getting it out from under the display is doable but not fun at all.
The reason for all this: my sump is dirty. Really dirty. Also I'm not having good growth on the ATS. There is sediment everywhere and the only think I can think of to correct this is to re-design. Some of my idea would be to have the first section be a filter section with either the drain going into filter floss or micron bags. I can then remove the live rock and put the ATS in the section section before the return.
I really don't want to have to move the dividers if possible. That would require me to take the sump out and I would have to leave the display sumpless for at least a week or 2 while the silicone cures (and my supply of known aquarium safe silicone is gone, and I don't know what I need to use to replace it).
Any thoughts?