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Thread: How is your sump setup?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    How is your sump setup?

    I really hate the thought of doing it (yet again) but I'm thinking I may need to re-do my sump to help get my scrubber working better.

    Right now I have the water coming into the sump on the right flowing to the left. I do not have any filter floss or micron bag or anything, it just flows into the first section (separated by about 2" from the right side) and I have the glass there over the water level to help with bubbles from the drop from the tank. It then goes into a section about 13" wide were I have my scrubber, then a section about 12" wide where I have live rock, then a bubble trap and then a return section about 14" wide (I tried to make this bigger to help with evaperation. I now have an ATO.

    My sump is a 55g tank. My display is 90g tank. Getting it out from under the display is doable but not fun at all.

    The reason for all this: my sump is dirty. Really dirty. Also I'm not having good growth on the ATS. There is sediment everywhere and the only think I can think of to correct this is to re-design. Some of my idea would be to have the first section be a filter section with either the drain going into filter floss or micron bags. I can then remove the live rock and put the ATS in the section section before the return.

    I really don't want to have to move the dividers if possible. That would require me to take the sump out and I would have to leave the display sumpless for at least a week or 2 while the silicone cures (and my supply of known aquarium safe silicone is gone, and I don't know what I need to use to replace it).

    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Yes you need to really keep the bottom of the sump clean. It can be directly responsible for nutrients, and lower scrubber growth.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    pennsylvania, usa
    Ive owned about 15 sumps. They are overrated. Now i have a 20g tank. Has the scrubber, heater and return pump.. finito. The longer im in this hobby the more i realize the simpler the better.

    No baffles or anything... Smoth bottom so i can syphon the garbage. If i get micro bubbles from the scrubber i put a few rocks where the scrubber drains.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    +1 RkyRickstr.

    I also bought gadget after gadget when initially configured my sump and now after purchasing a AS from Floyd, all I have now is return pump, heater and a few kilos of live rock and that's it.
    Not more tweaking this and tweaking that. I only need to clean my scrubber once every fortnight and also checking my water parameters.... all stable.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Uk! England
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr T View Post
    +1 RkyRickstr.

    I also bought gadget after gadget when initially configured my sump and now after purchasing a AS from Floyd, all I have now is return pump, heater and a few kilos of live rock and that's it.
    Not more tweaking this and tweaking that. I only need to clean my scrubber once every fortnight and also checking my water parameters.... all stable.
    Same here except I got a part time skimmer and no heater because it's in display.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    This is why I posted up to review my sump plans. Too much crap down there and I want to simplify it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Uk! England
    To be honest I leave the layer of crud in. It acts as a thin mud substance for the worms and such to live in. Never cleaned it. Probably 6 years since it was emptied and it's about 5mm thick, that's all. Never given me any concerns.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Pump, heater and some rock. The pump is inside a plastic shoe box to provide a little baffle, but I'm not sure it does anything.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Netherlands
    I got a sump without baffles. (An old fish-thank.) It has the return pump, heater, skimmer, zeo-reactor, a scrubber and two streamers blowing the bottem clean. Nothing settles anywhere in my setup.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    This is the sump for the doc's tank

    3000 GPH through that sucker. I think it holds just under 20 gallons when running. In almost a year, I have never had to clean the thing. You can imagine why.

    edit: that's how it looked when I initially set it up...before even putting the scrubber on. now there's all kinds of tube worms/etc everywhere. But not as many as I expected. Must be the turbulent flow. keeps all the detritus where it belongs - in the tank

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