I'm building up my new 185 and I have a general question about turnover. What sort of total volume should I aim to turn over per hour through the scrubber? I'm aware of the GPH per inch or screen concept, this is more of a general aquarium question. I want this job done right, but I don't want to spend more on my scrubber lighting than the display tank. My plan is to do a dual screen setup, but I'm thinking that I may go with a one sided approach since I have a ton of room inside my stand and I'm using a 75 gallon sump, which will give me plenty of space for screen length. That way I can go with some economical 24-36" T5s on each side.
By the way, I'm new to the board but I've been running an algae scrubber on my 55 since January. That tank has never had a skimmer or canister or any other filtration in it, ATS since birth! I'm totally loving it, and...due to space restrictions in the stand (hexagon tank...never never never buy one of these, IMO) my screen is undersized, and until last week it was under lit (bare minimum now), and it's still keeping that tank clean and nutrient free. My fish are so healthy looking, more so than all but the best of the LFS within 50 miles, and my shrimpies molt like mad.
I used to be a little leary about telling people that I ran an ATS because of all the sideways looks and comments that I got (and I'm sure my wife thought I was crazy too), but over the last few months more and more people have been commenting on how nice our tank looks, and that theirs was full of algae and a pain to clean all the time, we must spend all our time cleaning and screwing with it...now I get a lot of satisfaction telling them that I spend 5 minutes scraping algae off a plastic tank divider every week or so and I'm done.
True believer here.
Looking forward to hearing all of your inputs, and maybe pitching in a little myself.
Thanks all,