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Thread: Upflow vs Surf

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Upflow vs Surf

    I purchased the Hog3x and got it today. Thanks for the fast shipping. I just turned off my SM100 that have been running for almost 4 years and will see how well this Hog3x perform.

    I was telling a friend of mine about all kind of algae scrubbers you offer, but we have a question about the Hog vs Surf. Both seem to work really well from watching your video and test results. Which one is better if we don't care about noise or anything. Just want to know about the performance. What are the pros and cons between the two?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Wow I think I remember building that SM100

    First, why the change?

    Second, the comparison: I just talked with a fellow yesterday who has four HOG3's and four SURF4's on a 1000g clown system (I'll pm you his email), and he wanted to get more but wanted to know which was better. He thought that of the ones he's used so far, the HOG's were more bang for the buck.

    Well, this is true because the HOG's don't need any waterproofing. So all the money goes towards LEDs and Green Grabber and strings. SURF's, however, have to be sealed in many ways, and float too, thus using a lot of the money in non-growth areas. Of course, SURF's don't take up any glass or air space either, and they are VERY quiet, and the SURF4 has no salt spray at all.

    But if quiet etc are not important, then the HOGs are probably the most filtering for the money. And since there is currently no SURF4x (i.e., extra LEDs), then the strongest photosynthesis (filtering) available now would be your HOG3x.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    The SM100 performs very well. I was into clown fish bleeding for a couple of years. At one point, the SM100 was supporting over 3000 clown fish. It's amazing how much algae that thing generate.

    Maybe the unit is getting old and inner surface is getting rough. The algae is constantly glowing on the side windows as well. So, instead of just taking out the hanging tube thingy to clean, I have to take the entire unit out for scraping every time. As you remember, that unit is quite big. It's getting to be a hassle to clean now.

    Size wise, the Hog3X is much smaller and lighter. It's gonna be so awesome if it performs just the same, if not better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    New Zealand
    Don't get your hopes up

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Matt, why?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    He's a friend of the competitor

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