Hi all, just signed up after alot of reading on Algae Scrubbers on this site. I took the plunge but am having an outbreak of huge proportions. My setup is a 120 gallon tank, 48x24x24. I had a 29 gallon sump on it with a turboflotor 1k Skimmer and a Fluval FX5 I had from when I had a freshwater tank (originally had carbon and foam only, now running empty to just have flow in the tank)
the tanks ben running for a month+, I only have 2 turbo snails in it and a coral band shrimp. I put up the scrubber last Thursday. 2 pancaked screen, 2 42w CFL spirals 2700k based on the recommendation here within 4 inches on each side. my overflow is rated at 600gph (probably getting around 500) and my return pump is 500gph. I get good flow on the screens (13x11) but as you can see minimal growth yet. When I was running the sump, etc. I didnt have this obscene amount of green haze and algae all over the place, I'm cleaning the glass everyday for the last 3 days. Any advise please? I have 5 pieces of liverock in the tank that have been there for about 3 weeks and were fine and covered in coralline, the rest are dry rock. The sand is marine sand with about 15 pounds of live sand. the Top lights are 2x 250w Metal Halide and 4x t5 actinic. All readings for water parameters are as they should be (I don't have a phosphate test so that may be high?)
I use RO water and Reef Crystals, this will EVENTUALLY be a reef tank. Any advise would be greatly appreciated! Heres pics I took just today before posting this, put the protien skimmer on last night as a "gotta try something" tactic, I'm sure it's moot though... thanks!