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Thread: Customer comments and photos, of Santa Monica Filtration scrubbers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    Customer comments and photos, of Santa Monica Filtration scrubbers

    "[HOG1] is one of the few, if not the only, nutrient removal system that gives me something back: Growth. It's a no brainer" -- Jim Stime, LA Fishguys

    "I see algae scrubbers as the single most significant nutrient exporter you can have" -- Stephen Babcock, The Corner Reef, Columbia, Illinois

    "I am very happy with the [HOG.5] which is working great. I will be buying more scrubbers for my other 8 tanks" -- Bruce Ashcraft

    "The [SURF2] is really useful and highly necessary for my tank. So I really can't be without it for too long" -- Jason Pappin

    "My DROP.2 works great, and was thinking about getting another one. I installed my second Drop 2 purchased in the recent group buy. The first scrubber was installed [about 3 months ago] and is doing a great job. The biggest difference I seen was my phosphate level went from 0.11 to 0.03-0.06 range " -- venom on the CR site:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	UasVenomOnCR-1.jpg
Views:	1497
Size:	27.9 KB
ID:	5887

    "The HOG1x is producing lots of lovely green algae for me" -- K19RKS on the UR site.

    "Tank is heavily fed and [HOG3] definitely seems to have made an improvement since the algae started growing" -- Jason Oneppo

    "[SURF2x is] growing very well. Love the in sump design. Will probably get another down the road as I increase my bioload." -- Erik Sulman

    "I'm getting good results from my SURF4 and HOG3.. It's bringing my phosphate down and starting to get some decent hair algae my tangs love" -- Dane Wilcox

    "WOW! 173grams. Two weeks growth [on the SURF4]. We LOVE it! The growth rate of the chaeto in our refugium had been steadily decreasing over the past six weeks or so. Yesterday, it became obvious that the chaeto had started to melt/die-off and needed to be removed from the system" -- Mike&Terry on the R2R site:

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Name:	UasMike&TerryOnR2R-1.jpg
Views:	1493
Size:	43.1 KB
ID:	5888

    "There is getting to be some nice looking green hair algae in it" -- Dane Wilcox SURF4+HOG3

    Michel Claro's HOG3:
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Name:	UasMichelClaro-1.jpg
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ID:	5889

    "I clean my [HOG1] once a week. Definitely helped lower my nitrates." -- Nagrom on the MR site

    "I installed a HOG.5 ATS in my 3rd chamber with the return pump in my 29 biocube works well for me. My nitrates stay between 5 ppm or lower. Phosphates are usually .04 or lower" -- Saltyphish on the R2R site

    "The [HOG] looks great, really well built" -- Stefan Wilson

    "I didn't really expect much from [the HOG1x] and put it in my sump. After about 3 weeks the algae was in abundance and now I have to clean it every 2 weeks" -- Jukeboxjury on the RF site.

    "I purchased two [HOG.5] scrubbers last year and love them" -- Masgatigata on the R2R site.

    "The HOG3 that i purchased from you is doing really great. The first time it was full of green small rounded shape of algae, feels like jelly, i dont know what that is. The second and third week after that is full of green hair algae. Water parameters are great, with readings from hanna checker and salifert testers. I want to buy more of your products; I'm building a 5.2 meter reef aquarium" -- Yuppy Suhandinata. 2 pics:

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ID:	5890

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ID:	5891

    "The scrubber is working great! getting a lot of nice growth in the SURF2" -- Mike Buechs

    "Growth from our HOG" -- Alyse Fisher:
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Name:	UasAlyseFisher-1.jpg
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Size:	72.9 KB
ID:	5882

    "I installed a HOG.5 ATS @SantaMonica in my 3rd chamber with the return pump in my 29 biocube, works well for me. My nitrates stay between 5 ppm or lower. Phosphates are usually .04 or lower" -- Saltyphish on the R2R site.

    "Super Service on all levels; [HOG1x] as described. Everything nice!" -- silver_surfer_lu on ebay

    "This [SURF2x] is the second scrubber I've bought. Love this product!" -- biggins28 on ebay

    "Thanks!!! Great product!!!" -- labasmari on ebay

    "great product [DROP.2] and service" -- katzolicious on ebay

    "Great to deal with, directed me to an Australian dealer, very helpful, great item [HOG1x]" -- miffy968 on ebay

    "A1 ebayer" -- thorbinrh on ebay

    "Highly recommend doing business with this seller" -- vip.lorenzo on ebay

    "Many thanks for the safe arrival of the SURF2, Thanks again" -- bungy991 on ebay

    "Highly recomended and a great product" -- jukeboxjury123 on ebay

    "Great [HOG.5] Thank you" -- bigbluebatman on ebay

    "Great deal! [HOG3]" -- polo1704 on ebay

    "Great Service [HOG1x] posted within hrs of order" -- 76fogg on ebay

    "Happy with [SURF2], would get another bigger version maybe at some stage" -- juggernoght87 on ebay

    "Very nice filter [HOG.5], as described, quick shipping Recommended seller" -- anapurnaiii on ebay

    "Prompt international delivery [HOG1x]" -- defencegifts on ebay

    "Fantastic product [HOG1x] and customer service!! I hope to do business again soon!!" -- thebusinessspecialist on ebay

    "many thanks, Great product [HOG.5], fast delivery" -- stevenjoyce29 on ebay

    "Very reasonable offer [SURF2]" -- edwin65 on ebay

    "Excellent [HOG.5] def recommend" -- kre159 on ebay

    "good to deal with [HOG1x]" -- dog61153 on ebay

    "great service [HOG1x] many thanks" -- casagk26 on ebay

    "Awesome product! [HOG1x] Worth every darn penny!" -- bigwrench311 on ebay

    "Nice item [HOG.5]" -- fishing2424 on ebay

    "Quick delivery, excellent item [HOG.5], brilliant seller. Perfect, thank you" -- level1imp on ebay

    "Perfect [HOG1x], thanks" -- stopasco on ebay

    "Five stars [HOG1x]" -- lexmaniac2 on ebay

    "Definitely recommended [HOG.5]" -- alucard827 on ebay

    "Great product [HOG.5]. Great Customer Service!" -- mandiars on ebay

    "bigger than it looks [HOG.5] great unit" -- kootab01 on ebay

    "Arrived quick! [HOG1x] Thanks!" -- martcourt1116 on ebay

    "pleased with the product [HOG1]" -- chomble on ebay

    "works great [HOG.5], shipped fast and packed securely" -- tinman262h2012 on ebay

    "Superb [HOG.5], thank you" -- blade1buster on ebay

    "Great little item [HOG.5] fast delivery recommended" -- terrynorth1976 on ebay

    "Thanks works great [HOG.5]" -- nhedz0426 on ebay

    "Turbidity WAY down. Water crystal - Works AWESOME [HOG.5]. Shipped FAST. Thanks again." -- ascosens on ebay

    "Fast and Easy! [HOG.5] thanks again!" -- kllrwlf on ebay

    "Thank you. Would buy again [HOG.5]" -- avrc8 on ebay

    "Great product! [HOG.5] Incredible fast shipping!" -- ruffian738 on ebay

    "Nice, recommended [HOG.5]" -- joselopez999 on ebay

    "Super service [HOG.5]" -- skibbatechno on ebay

    "Fast shipper" -- jamesjhfl on ebay

    "Has been up and running now for a few weeks [SURF4] and seems to be working pretty good took awhile to get the growth growing but now it is working really good." -- Jeff D. Battilocchi on Amazon

    SURF2: DamienKwok:
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Name:	UasDamienKwok-2.jpg
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Size:	78.4 KB
ID:	5883

    DROP.2: QuyVan:
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Name:	UasQuyVan-1.jpg
Views:	1628
Size:	77.8 KB
ID:	5884

    HOG1x: MarlonMcNeish:
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Name:	UasMarlonMcneish-1.jpg
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Size:	54.3 KB
ID:	5885

    HOG3: AlanreefOnR2R:
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Name:	UasAlanreefOnR2R-1.jpg
Views:	1418
Size:	71.3 KB
ID:	5886
    Last edited by SantaMonica; 06-24-2019 at 02:52 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    "I bought a HOG algae scrubber. And it works GREAT. I will never not have a tank without one again. I clean it out once a week" -- Smith-Rowe on the CFT site.

    "This is the most green i've seen yet [in the SURF2]. Any hair algae in the tank is gone" -- kenny_mikkalson

    "I just wanted to thank you again for your help regarding the SURF2 algae scrubber. I really enjoy this product. I am going to take your advice and purchase another one in the very near future for my 240 gallon reef tank" -- David J. Cary

    "Well I can report that things have gone from good to excellent. Since my HOG2 was installed, ive used 3 different test kit brands, all of which have shown Zero on nitrite, nitrate, phosphate & ammonia (once the level came down). My goal of having ONLY the hog2 as filtration is now achieved other than a poly filter in the sump. It feels like im not reading it right or something is going on I dont see. After years of keeping fish and having the usual problems, its all perfect now. Absolutely fantastic! Test readings are s.g. 1.025. Ph fluctuating around 8.0 - 8.4. Phosphate, ammonia nitrite & nitrate zero. I feed some of the scrubbers algae on a veggi clip to the yellow tang. Hope you folks get the same results as ive got using the santamonica scrubber. All that i can only guess is all down to the HOG2 as its the only thing ive used differently from before and had nowhere near the success im having now. Most if not all corals have doubled or quadrupled in the last few months" -- Centralscot on the scrubber site:
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ID:	5976

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ID:	5977

    "Algae scrubbers work! [HOG1]" -- The Corner Reef:
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Name:	UasTheCornerReef-1.jpg
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Size:	71.9 KB
ID:	5978

    "[SURF2] All Algae is disappearing from the fuge. The mangroves started to die. I have not ran the numbers yet but I am sure they are way down. Still running high cap GFO, started slowly reducing run time on reactor. Still have Cheato ball in media bag but it appears to be shrinking" -- INXS on PBMAS:
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Name:	UasInxsOnPBMAS-1.jpg
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Size:	73.0 KB
ID:	5986

    I have been very pleased with my HOG3. When I set up my current 95 gal reef my intentions were to keep it simple and low tech. I have been involved with this hobby in some form or another for more than 25 years and my favorite tanks have always seemed to be the ones with the least equipment. -- Jeapa on the scrubber site:
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ID:	5979

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ID:	5980

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ID:	5981

    "The product [HOG.5] works great… I will be purchasing bigger models in the near future" -- Bruce Ashcroft

    "Yes it is working [HOG.5], and in a few weeks I am going to post on [our forum] about my experience with it" -- James DeSantis

    Misc pics:

    HOG2 from Atoll on the scrubber site:
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Name:	UasAtollOnAS-1.jpg
Views:	1468
Size:	101.7 KB
ID:	5982

    HOG2 from UltimateMJ on the CR site:
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Name:	UasUltimatemjOnCR-1.jpg
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Size:	94.3 KB
ID:	5983

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Size:	10.9 KB
ID:	5984

    HOG1 from OshanickReef on the RC site:
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Name:	UasOshanickreefOnRC-1.jpg
Views:	1411
Size:	89.4 KB
ID:	5985

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    "Our SURF8 that we have on our customers tank is crankin' every week, 1/4 gallon of harvest each week. The tank is being fed 3 to 4 cubes a day, and has about 140 pounds new pukani rock." - Damon Buehrer, Aquatic Treasures Reef Store.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    "We have two [DIY waterfall scrubbers] here which we made ourselves, and though initially they went fairly well, over time their effectiveness did reduce. We've had plumbing come off, pumps and spray water everywhere (shorting our wavemakers!! *grumble*), not to mention the increased evaporation that we experienced, AND the noise as sometimes off-shoots of water would refuse to go DOWNwards and instead trickle off loudly and splash everywhere. So now we run the HOG3 in one of our tanks and the SURF4s in the rest (at this stage) and couldn't be happier. Yes, you can hear the [air] pump running, but that's practically it! and the excess evaporation has stopped Plus, rather than having to replace the lights all the time as you have to for traditional home-made [scrubbers], these LEDs are made to last 'indefinitely' That's a good saving!! OH! And one last thing... the maintenance. Takes all of 30 seconds and I don't have water dripped everywhere, nor am I covered in flecks of algae and slime from scraping off sheets In all, I'm a happy girl with these [HOG3 and SURF4] units" -- Bek at Fragalicious, Australia

    "Look at the amazing [HOG3] growth!" -- Anthony at Aquaful:
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ID:	6119

    "I had my doubts for a bit. Guess not anymore. This looks like the [SURF2x] is working, right? Thank you SMF for a great product" -- Ryantou on the scrubber site:

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ID:	6120

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ID:	6122

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ID:	6123

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ID:	6124

    "Really happy with the quality of it [DROP.6] and I have the top 1/2" protruding out so it's silent, other than a faint hum from the air pump" -- Phill on the UR site.

    "Lov'n the SURF2 - harvests have been light but there are boatloads of 'pods' in there munching away most of the algae growing on the surface even though I'm fresh water spraying. It's still doing its job nevertheless" -- Aeros on the scrubber site.

    "Very pleased with the HOG.5 so far, it's neat and simple" -- Joey Williams

    "Thanks for the clear instructions you taped to everything! Between them and the video I watched, installation [of the HOG2] was a breeze" -- Nancy of Goldfish-Emergency

    "Working great now. Im having to clean the [SURF2x] scrubbers about every 5 days or so as its growing so quick -- Mike Buechs

    "[HOG3] has been working well for some time. I had a mature sps system, and did not get much growth initially. Initial system had skimmer and ferric oxide reactor. Refugium had a bright led with Chateomorpha and plenty of live rock. I ended up removing ferric oxide reactor to initiate [scrubber] growth. I also had to turn off light to refugium. Since [scrubber] growth started good, I gave large live rock to friend and took down refugium. So system is much simpler and working well. Lots of corraline algae growth. After 15 years as hobbiest I wanted simpler system so very happy with results" -- Drew Young

    "[DROP.6] Working well already" -- Travis1787 on the RC site:

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Name:	UasTravis1787onRC-1.jpg
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Size:	62.4 KB
ID:	6105

    "i run a santa monica UAS HOG1x and it works fine" -- Carl_CDK on the UR site.

    "Getting lots of thick green algae to clean. My ornamental goldfish love to eat it. Have 4 of the HOG2s in the sump for my 350 gallon freshwater tank. Anyway the HOG2s appear to be working great as far as growing the thick green algae" -- Doug Jackson:

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ID:	6106

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ID:	6107

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ID:	6108

    "It's working great! [SURF4]" -- James Kim

    "I got my HOG and will never have any tank without one. I harvest once a week about the size of my palm. I've made scrubbers before, to have them squart water every were, change bulbs, or have to clean salt creep every week. Trust me its a little money but its worth it." -- Smith-Rowe on the CFT site.

    "I have the SURF4 and Im very happy with it. I want to get a 2nd unit so that I will always have one working when I clean the other. The SURF4 is very quiet" -- Steve Cantor

    "I have had mine [HOG1x] in for two weeks now and i would have to say success!! My tank didn't even really cycle (established rock + live sand helps immensely in that regard) except for a little cyano bloom. My mantis is in her new home and I'm preparing to add some corals, mangroves, and more rock / macro to my tank. Nh3, no2, and no3 are all reading 0" -- Carmelpi on the CR site:

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Name:	UAScarmelpiOnCR-1.jpg
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Size:	96.6 KB
ID:	6109

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Size:	98.4 KB
ID:	6110

    "I love the design of this DROP.6" -- Travis Patschureck

    Pictures only:

    DROP1.2x from Amwassil on the scrubber site:
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Name:	UasAmwassilOnAS-1.jpg
Views:	1413
Size:	54.3 KB
ID:	6111

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Size:	56.4 KB
ID:	6112

    HOG2 from Guy Chaumont:
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Name:	UasGuyChaumont-1.jpg
Views:	1404
Size:	101.4 KB
ID:	6113

    HOG1 from Gex23 on the UR site:
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Name:	UasGex23onUR-1.jpg
Views:	1407
Size:	98.9 KB
ID:	6114

    HOG1.3 from Yudruln8 on the R2R site:
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Name:	UasYudruln8onR2R-1.jpg
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Size:	87.9 KB
ID:	6115

    HOG2 from Daniel Strbian:
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Size:	51.3 KB
ID:	6116

    HOG3 from Kaiser DeLeon:
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Name:	UASkaiserDeLeon-1.jpg
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Size:	75.4 KB
ID:	6117

    SURF2x from AJreefer:
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Name:	UasAjreefer-1.jpg
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Size:	97.9 KB
ID:	6118

    "[The HOG.5] worked as intended. It grew a thick turf of hair algae inside of the casing...which prevented algae from exploring the rest of my tank. UPDATE: I was running the wrong times on the timer...only 8 hours per day instead of starting at 12...sigh. Switched it to 14 hours and BAM growing hair algae now and nitrates are going down. NICE" -- Adam_T on the CFT site

    "Letting you know that I really think the [HOG.5] scrubber you have is outstanding - really controls my phosphates - the #1 cause of uncontrolled algae growth and something that has really been an issue for me - until I added your unit. Also, helps with my nitrates, too! I have continued to suggest these units to fellow fish keepers - you really have a great unit due to its small size, little upkeep and great performance. Thanks again for creating this clever and so useful device! I really feel this is the best filter that anyone has produced in twenty years for tank upkeep" -- Dennis B on the scrubber site
    Last edited by SantaMonica; 11-22-2015 at 02:35 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    "Love your algae scrubbers" -- Albert Thiel

    "The Santa Monica HOG units don't have any splashing and are extremely easy to take out to clean" -- Olysi on the UR site.


    "The SURF8 is doing more filtering than anything I've had on my tank; I love it!" -- Richard Neal, Santa Clara, California, USA.

    "so far is working great as advertised" -- RissasDad on the AS site.

    "It's growing like crazy; every time I lift a lid up, it's packed with growth" -- Lowell
    Sharron, Pacific Palasades, California, USA:
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ID:	6529 Click image for larger version

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ID:	6530 Click image for larger version

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ID:	6531


    "I personally like the quality of the unit. It does work as advertised for me." -- seregus on the UR site.

    "SURF4x appears to be working great and I think PO4 has started behaving. Thanks!" -- D. Issa:
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Name:	UasDavidIssa-1.jpg
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Size:	100.7 KB
ID:	6524

    "Still working great after 6 months. I clean it probably every 5 days and pull still a half cup with no bioload on my system but feed heavy. Also my tangs love the stuff. Scrubber floats right above where my return pump intake is. It only takes me a few minutes to clean it. Very easy and a great design. All in all, I have zero hesitation telling someone to buy one even for a little bit of a premium price" -- conrad on the WRS site:
    12 days from brand new:
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Name:	UasConradOnWRS-1.jpg
Views:	1344
Size:	86.4 KB
ID:	6525

    6 months later, at 5 days growth:
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Size:	91.4 KB
ID:	6526 Click image for larger version

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ID:	6527 Click image for larger version

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Size:	41.8 KB
ID:	6528


    "I do love mine! I have the SURF4 on a 180g" -- mdbannister on the R2R site.

    "The SURF4's are running very well. They started growing healthy green algae on the strings almost immediately. I get good growth every week" -- Sean Whelan.

    "SURF4 is very well put together, and it's almost silent (my overflows are actually louder)". -- Unknown

    "I've been using Santa Monica [SURF4] scrubbers for a few months. I've been reefing fairly successfully for a fair while now. Once these things kicked in, I've been giddy with excitement at how well they work and how easy they make keeping everything happy" -- Servillius on the 3R and R2R sites:
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Name:	UasServilliusOn3R-1.jpg
Views:	1458
Size:	101.2 KB
ID:	6523

    "There are many types of filters available for aquariums, but none are as natural as algae scrubbers. They can even serve as auto-feeders of fresh algae for the fish. Here is the SURF4 I just started; when the lid is on, it's almost completely silent" -- Mdbannister on the R2R site:
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Name:	UasMdbannisterOnR2R-1.jpg
Views:	1339
Size:	82.1 KB
ID:	6533


    "I will get a second scrubber for refugium ..but the SURF2x is really doing a great job on its own" -- Garvin Blackmon, Thailand.

    "Just taken 20g out, only 5 days after last harvest, and taking out the SILICATEX PO4 remover now. Now, just taken the third harvest since growth started, total 24 days, total pulled out 47g, So its circa 25g every 12 days. It's very hard to remove anywhere near all of the algae in the scrubber, so the real weight would likely be 50% more than that. I am just pulling out what comes loose easily. Very pleased so far, now not running any PO4 remover so interesting to see how it keeps up, of course its only rated to 2 cubes of frozen a day and I am feeding 6 so a bit unfair, more space in the sump would eventually lead to 3 single units." -- Mark Chanana, Isleworth, U.K.:
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Size:	54.8 KB
ID:	6521 Click image for larger version

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Size:	64.1 KB
ID:	6522

    "Bought the SURF2x, absolutely love it! Would never run a system without a SantaMonica scrubber again!" -- Tannum_Paul on the MASA site, South Africa.

    "Working perfectly!! [SURF2x] -- Cristiano Amaral in Brazil.

    Pics only:
    Odilon Zerecero from Mexico:
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Views:	1584
Size:	23.7 KB
ID:	6534 Click image for larger version

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Views:	1313
Size:	25.1 KB
ID:	6535


    "Have the SURF2 on my 150g, great product" -- socali_reefer on the R2R site.

    "I have a SURF2, the same manufacturer and it is impeccable, it keeps me PO4 zero distributing 3-4 cubes of food per day" -- Eric75003 on the RF site, France.

    "Its a great product!!! [SURF2] I run mine in conjunction w/ a skimmer and cannot run both 24/7 because I cant feed enough to keep at least a little Nitrate in the system for the Acro's" -- TDTA1181 on the R2R site.

    "I run one of these and quite like it. Getting similar results to a typical refugium I used to have that was about 6 times the size. I went to this product basically to buy myself some sump space back and couldn't be happier" -- Sam Parker's Tank Of The Month on MASA, South Africa:
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    Darren Ta, Dartmouth, Massachusettes, USA:
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    "Great build quality" -- Jean-Marc Deborne, France.

    "It's a common sense product; easy and reliable" -- Martin Caceres, Total Aquariums retail store, East Rockaway, New York, USA.

    Andrew Pywell:
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    "My HOG3x is growing nice amounts of algae. It's a lovely green colour too. Looks almost edible!!" -- Olysi on the UR site:
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    "very happy with the quality of the [HOG3] product" -- houman hashemi, in france.

    "I found my saltwater hermit crabs are eating [in the HOG3]. Sweet. Saves on buying those algae tabs. I love this algae scrubber!" -- Kelly Peissner.

    "my HOG3 is doing a good job in my 90 gallon tank, it consistently produces thick green hair algae that I clean/remove every 2-3 weeks. I bought a custom 190 gallon tank and will run a 60 gallon sump underneath for corals and fish, but no inverts. I intend to use a HOG3x for this tank setup" -- Derek Johnson, Greece.

    "Great Product [HOG3]" -- Derek Johnson, Marlin, Texas, USA.

    "20 days... that's pretty wicked [HOG3] growth, and it seems like my glass algae has lessened. The first picture is 6 weeks ago the next is 4 weeks ago, and last are today all are 2 weeks intervals with 24 hour lights/ phosphate is between .06-.19 and I only clean the glass about once every two weeks and it takes only a min or two. best thing I have bought for my tank" -- Trevor Janvier, Canada:
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    "My HOG3 is working good, and I want another one" -- Christian Aquino, Westechester, Illinois, USA.

    "Yes the [HOG3] is amazing. I have it in my ten gallon right now. No algae what so ever on the glass, etc. Water parameters are perfect!" -- Kelly Peissner, North Pole, Alaska, USA

    "Been growing like a champ!" -- Mike Barone, Delrey Beach, Florida USA.

    "Both the HOG3 and SURF8 are growing bright green algae; the nuisance algae in my tank is disappearing fast" -- Richard Neal, Santa Clara, California, USA:
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    "So far, loving my new HOG3, definitely seem to have less algae on my glass, which is nice, not as much scraping as usual. I stopped using GFO, just before installing this, so the HOG3 was kind of, in a roundabout way to replace the GFO reactor. My phosphate has risen a little compared to running GFO (fresh) from 0.05 to 0.09 as expected, but my corals and I prefer this method. I'm now not focussing on low phosphate, but now focusing on just more stability with phosphate level. There's no swing in phosphate that is normally related to GFO life, so things stay really stable. The rise in phosphates is not causing any issues as the ATS has been picking up the slack quite well. When I got this I was pleased with how easy it was to install and use. It takes up very little space and fits just fine on the sump under the cabinet" -- IUfan on the INDMAS site:
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    "My two HOG3 units are very quiet when I put them one inch above the waterline. No other filters. Just the live rock, 2” sand and HOG3’s. They are growing algae like crazy. I empty each one about once a weak (on different days) and they are FULL when I do. My tank isn't fully stocked yet, so I may need to get 1 or 2 more later. Meanwhile, inside the tank, I haven't had ANY nuisance algae since these HOGs kicked in, and I don't use any other filtration, and I've never done a water change. Needless to say, I am VERY happy with these. -- Sean Whelan, Brentwood, Tennessee, USA:
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    Lowell Sharron, Pacific Palasades, California, USA:
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    Rod Campbell, Arizona, USA:
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    John Nicolosi, California, USA:
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    Tom Verna in Southhampton, New Jersey, USA:
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    KaiserDeLeon in Manila:
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    LA Fishguys Jim Stime:
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    Mohamed Gomaa in Dubai:
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    "the only filtration giving me these results is the two [HOG2] scrubbers and a polyfilter. No skimmer, no phosban reactor, nothing else, not even foam or filter floss. This HAS TO BE the best filter available" -- Centralscot on the scrubber site.

    "HOG2 seems to work great! Thanks again! My clown loaches love the water now" -- Antti Miettinen, Finland.

    "Thank you!! You provided us with our very first [HOG2] and have started us on our way. The scholars are excited about the ATS and cannot wait until we can get everything else." -- William Romney, Assistant Principal, New Visions High School, Jamaica, New York, USA.

    "I just wanted to let you know my nitrate levels are zero. I have never had this tank at zero nitrates. I have always had to do multiple water changes ever week. Can’t thank you enough. Neither can my fish." -- Snohomish, Washington, USA:
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    "I have a DROP.2 making mad algae!" -- css49015 on the scrubber site.

    "I'm using the DROP.2 and have not done water changes in my BC29 in over a month. Really pleased with the product!" -- basser1 on the NR site.

    "I have a couple DROP.2 from Santa Monica, and they work good!" -- D Maul on the R2R site.


    "So now I believe that Algae Scrubbers works and will help my tanks. The Drop box 0.6 proved it!:
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    "I've been using the UAS DROP.2 for about a year. It's worked great! My nano tank is in serious trouble without the UAS!

    Surfnsalt on the R2R site:
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    "I have a DROP.6x and am really happy with it. Keeps my phosphates to zero in my two foot aquarium" -- Aaron on the SGR site, Singapore.


    "It works great. I love this product!" -- Mike Orlando, Clifton Park, New York, USA.

    "It's a common sense product; easy and reliable" -- Martin Caceres, Total Aquariums retail store, East Rockaway, New York, USA

    "Happy reefer with DROP1.2 and now I only clean my glass once a week" -- madreamseeker on the SGR site.

    "I have not had to clean the glass of algae since [2 months after getting scrubber] and there is no algae at all in the tank. It took a few months to get the type of algae in my image to grow but not its normal to pull that much out of the tank a month. I have 4 fish in a IM 40 I feed once a day at night. The scrubber just stopped the usual cycle of algae in a new system. This tank has been set up for 18 months now so it's still new. Would not set up a tank without an algae scrubber its just a so easy to use and takes little of my time to care for. Which for me is utter important. Using GFO and other methods of phosphate removal require a constant interaction and replacement of media. So there is a cost in time and money. Which to me is not sustainable" -- reefwiser on the 2R2 site:
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    "Working well. [DROP1.2] Makes a big difference" -- Chis Moser, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA

    "Very happy with the unit [DROP1.2], it is superlative at what it does" -- Douglas Dixson, Port St. Lucie, Florida, USA.

    Chris Viola:
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    "gourami tank: Both DROP1.2x are producing lots of algae each week" -- Amwassil on the scrubber site:
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    "my drop 1.4 is growing ulva like crazy. Wish I'd gone bigger" -- jlentz on the R2R site.


    "I personally like the quality of both [DROP1.4x] units. They do work as advertised for me. Harvesting each one every other week, so while one is cleaned - other is at full power" -- seregus on the UR site.


    "I use a Santa Monica HOG.5 upflow algae scrubber and I love it. It works wonders... I get insane nasty growth every seven days" -- smeagol108 on the NR site.

    "My 4 year old HOG.5 is still growing great" - Russ13 on the SCR site:
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    "HOG1 had been making nice thick seaweed for the past few weeks. Really took off nicely. Been pulling out a chunck every week" -- jcs11236 on the R2R site.

    "It's working quite well. Thank you, great product" -- Art Friday, North Carolina.

    "Didn't have much hope for it at first but love it after giving it plenty of time to establish and not giving up on it" -- smeagol108 on the NR site.

    "The HOG1 it's the same thing [as a SURF2] on a smaller scale, it depends on the amount of food that you distribute" -- Eric75003 on the RF site, France.

    "Implementing the [HOG1] was really easy. My water parameters have not changed since turning my skimmer off. I'm still at 0 Nitrates and .00 phosphate, and I'm still feeding twice a day approximately 2 frozen cubes" -- bpitts2 on the INDMAS site:
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    "This [HOG1] is going great guns, so I ordered another one yesterday. I have seen plenty of pods hanging around the one in the sump too. Is definately dealing with my nutrients, though I havent changed water in ages and my water is at really stable low nutrients". -- Bangalang on the MASA site, South Africa.

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    "I am finally getting a great harvest. I'm glad I stuck with it!" -- TJ Wyand:
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    "i have the UAS HOG1x on my 60 cube, no skimmer or filter sock and feeding plenty. Love my scrubber works like a charm. but what i love the most is how efficient my tank is with electricity, just a 30 watt led keesil, air pump, led's for scrubber, heater and uplift pump for an sps tank is not bad at all, especially considering how expensive electricity is" -- Mogamatseraajregal in South Africa, on the MASA site.

    "I got the HOG1x on tank running for 3 weeks, looks very promising, brown dust on glass has been reducing since adding the ATS" -- RNgracias on the MASA site, South Africa.

    Rockhead on the CR site:
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Some text comments about our SURF (tm) upflow algae scrubber ATS filters, otherwise known as the chaeto-killers:


    "My fish love eating the algae from my SURF8x" -- Dror Ben yoav, Israel

    "I still have my algae turf scrubber running from inland aquatics on this system and it is still producing algae each week, however, I would guess it to be about half of what the SURF8x produces. Once the green hair algae took hold its been growing extremely well. I run both lights on a 22 on, 2 off cycle. The last two weeks I have harvested a full solo cup of nice green hair algae from both sides of the scrubber total. I thought about adding a waterfall type scrubber, but I really like how easy the surf scrubber is to clean, so I'll get another one" -- Ritchie Jenkins


    "My SURF8 is a beast!" -- Sandy Dobak, UK

    "Our SURF8 that we have on our customers tank is crankin' every week, 1/4 gallon of harvest each week. The tank is being fed 3 to 4 cubes a day, and has about 140 pounds new pukani rock." - Damon Buehrer, Aquatic Treasures Reef Store.

    "So far is working great as advertised" -- RissasDad on the algae scrubber site.

    "It's growing like crazy; every time I lift a lid up, it's packed with growth" -- Lowell Sharron, Pacific Palasades, California, USA

    "The SURF8 is doing more filtering than anything I've had on my tank; I love it!" -- Richard Neal, Santa Clara, California, USA.


    "Working amazingly" -- Brandon Bassett

    "I use the Santa Monica scrubbers and they work great. a little expensive. I have the SM 4x. I can feed up to 4 cubes of food daily without increasing nutrients" -- m0nkie on the RC site.

    "I run the HOG3xx, SURF4x, and a waterfall system. The fish are extremely happy and energetic, took out the skimmer and NoPox since installation of ATS system" -- Lawrence Lai, Hong Kong

    "I personally like the quality of the unit. It does work as advertised for me." -- Seregus on the UR site.

    "SURF4x appears to be working great and I think PO4 has started behaving. Thanks!" -- D. Issa

    "Still working great after 6 months. I clean it probably every 5 days and pull still a half cup with no bioload on my system but feed heavy. Also my tangs love the stuff. Scrubber floats right above where my return pump intake is. It only takes me a few minutes to clean it. Very easy and a great design. All in all, I have zero hesitation telling someone to buy one even for a little bit of a premium price" -- Conrad on the WRS site


    "I really like the SURF4 scrubber size and ease of cleaning" -- Graham Pither, Cambridge, UK.

    "It is working really good" -- JB on Amazon

    "I have found that the SURF4 scrubber works fantastically! Was very easy to set up and your product instructions were very helpful" -- Alex Smirthwaite, UK

    "It works well" -- Andy Gonzalez, Laredo, Texas, USA

    "I've been running my SURF4 for a couple of years with great results" -- Raoul5Duke on the RC site

    "I get great growth in only 5 days" -- Hayk Vardanyan, Glendale, California, USA

    "It's working great! -- James Kim

    "I have the SURF4 and Im very happy with it. I want to get a 2nd unit so that I will always have one working when I clean the other. The SURF4 is very quiet" -- Steve Cantor

    Thanks! Great product! -- Labasmari on ebay.

    "The SURF4's are running very well. They started growing healthy green algae on the strings almost immediately. I get good growth every week. I don't use a skimmer, reactor or mechanical filtration, and I don't do water changes. The scrubbers alone have served me fine" -- Sean Whelan, Brentwood, Tennessee, USA

    "I've been using Santa Monica [SURF4] scrubbers for a few months. I've been reefing fairly successfully for a fair while now. Once these things kicked in, I've been giddy with excitement at how well they work and how easy they make keeping everything happy" -- Servillius on the 3R and R2R sites

    "SURF4 is very well put together, and it's almost silent (my overflows are actually louder)". -- Unknown


    The SURF2x units are working great" -- Matt Opal, Chicago, USA.

    "I have a SURF2x and love it, and am getting a second one" -- Dustin Christensen, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

    "The Santa Monica Algae Scrubber was one of the first pieces of equipment i purchased..I have been more than happy with its performance. In this year, my reef tanks have gone from a 4 ft 90 gal to a 6 ft 280 gal, and recently now an 8 ft 320 gal! I love my Surf2x, it really helps control algae. I will get a second scrubber for refugium but the SURF2x is really doing a great job on its own" -- Garvin Blackmon, Thailand

    "My SURF2x scrubber is now working perfectly and produces a full algae growth in about seven days, excellent. It has started to control the nitrates and phosphates which was the obviously the object of the exercise. I will continue to do 15% water changes at 14 day intervals and also start Tropic Marin dosing within the next few days. I will recommend your products wherever I can" -- William Strathyre, Scotland

    "Working great now. Im having to clean the [SURF2x] scrubbers about every 5 days or so as its growing so quick" -- Mike Buechs

    "Woo hoo [SURF2x] my nuisance algae problems are over!" -- bobtfishy on ebay.

    "Fast shipping and highly recommend [SURF2x]" -- juanrod23 on ebay.

    "This is the second scrubber [SURF2x] I've bought. Love this product!" -- biggins28 on ebay.

    "Just taken 20 grams growth out, only 5 days after last harvest, and taking out the SILICATEX PO4 remover now. Just taken the third harvest since growth started, total 24 days, total pulled out 47 grams growth, So its circa 25 grams every 12 days. It's very hard to remove anywhere near all of the algae in the scrubber, so the real weight would likely be 50% more than that. I am just pulling out what comes loose easily. Very pleased so far, now not running any PO4 remover so interesting to see how it keeps up, of course its only rated to 2 cubes of frozen a day and I am feeding 6 so a bit unfair, more space in the sump would eventually lead to 3 single units." -- Mark Chanana, Isleworth, U.K.:

    "Bought the SURF2x, absolutely love it! Would never run a system without a SantaMonica scrubber again!" -- Tannum_Paul on the MASA site, South Africa.

    "Working perfectly!! [SURF2x] -- Cristiano Amaral in Brazil


    "My SURF2 is working very very well" -- Scott Ireland, Australia

    "Works great! I have a big tank, but it keeps the glass clean for a whole week before I see anything. I also have a DROP1.2 on another big tank and it does the same." -- Sherman Vogel, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

    "It works! I'm cleaning my glass much less now" -- Brian Fuehrer, Anaheim, California, USA

    "I had my doubts for a bit. Guess not anymore. This looks like it is working, right? Thank you SMF for a great product" -- Ryantou on the algae scrubber site.

    "Lov'n the SURF2 - harvests have been light but there are boatloads of 'pods' in there munching away most of the algae growing on the surface even though I'm fresh water spraying. It's still doing its job nevertheless" -- Aeros on the algae scrubber site.

    "All Algae is disappearing from the fuge. The mangroves started to die. I have not ran the numbers yet but I am sure they are way down. Still running high cap GFO, started slowly reducing run time on reactor. Still have Cheato ball in media bag but it appears to be shrinking" -- INXS on the PBMAS site.

    "This is the most green i've seen yet in the SURF2. Any hair algae in the tank is gone" -- Kenny Mikkalson

    "I just wanted to thank you again for your help regarding the SURF2 algae scrubber. I really enjoy this product. I am going to take your advice and purchase another one in the very near future for my 240 gallon reef tank" -- David J. Cary

    "Thanks, Fast shipment [SURF2]" -- renantabugo on ebay.

    "As described [SURF2], fast shipping" -- eirikpub on ebay.

    "Many thanks for the safe arrival [SURF2]" -- bungy991 on ebay.

    "Have the SURF2 on my 150g, great product" -- socali_reefer on the R2R site.

    "I have a SURF2, and it is impeccable, it keeps me PO4 zero distributing 3-4 cubes of food per day" -- Eric75003 on the RF site, France.

    "Its a great product!!! [SURF2] I run mine in conjunction w/ a skimmer and cannot run both 24/7 because I cant feed enough to keep at least a little Nitrate in the system for the Acro's" -- TDTA1181 on the R2R site.

    "I run one of these and quite like it. Getting similar results to a typical refugium I used to have that was about 6 times the size. I went to this product basically to buy myself some sump space back and couldn't be happier" -- Sam Parker's Tank Of The Month on MASA, South Africa

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    "It's perfect" -- Mohommad Abdullah, Kawait.

    "It’s working well making a ton of algae" -- Jauvid Ayadi, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    "I clean it once a week and it is almost full of algae. I've used subbers before but I liked your design so I thought I would give it a try. I'm pretty happy so far" -- Jeff Schick, Utah, USA.
    "Great build quality" -- Jean-Marc Deborne, France.
    "It's a common sense product; easy and reliable" -- Martin Caceres, Total Aquariums retail store, East Rockaway, New York, USA.
    "My HOG3x is growing nice amounts of algae. It's a lovely green colour too. Looks almost edible!!" -- Olysi on the UR site.


    "My HOG3 is working great. Nitrate 2, and phosphate .02, so I'm really happy with the scrubber" -- Mario Ortiz, Spain.
    "It took a little while but this guy is collecting stuff like crazy. My glass is much cleaner and I do less frequent water changes and all my fish and coral seem to be happy. Highly recommend" -- Amazon Customer.
    "all good had hog 3 for long time that is cool as well thanks" -- 4045mandy on ebay.
    "I have it [HOG3] on for about 20 hrs a day. I removed the skimmer on the tank now. The scrubber is the only thing on the tank, along with my powerheads. I love it so far. I can see a different in my tank" -- TristanStoelb, Vincennes, Indiana, USA.
    "I'm using the HOG3 on 250 litre Red Sea Max with protein skimmer and carbon. The HOG3 is hanged on the left side wall. I'm try to feed the tangs mostly with algae that I'm picking from the scrubber" -- Bennyss in Israel, on the scrubber site.
    "I have been running my two HOG3 units for about 18 hours of light per day, and they work perfectly" -- Jonathan Wexler.
    "The thing I really like about it is the size and space is takes up, it's like having a refugium without needing all the extra space required for a real one" -- fishncars on the RC site.
    "Quite the clean-out of the Santa Monica HOG Algae Scrubber on the warm-water Jelliquarium jellyfish tank. Two weeks growth and the unit is packed with algae" -- Jim Stime Jr.
    "We run the HOG3 in one of our tanks and the SURF4s in the rest (at this stage) and couldn't be happier. Yes, you can hear the [air] pump running, but that's practically it! and the excess evaporation has stopped. Plus, rather than having to replace your lights all the time as you have to for traditional home-made [scrubbers], these LEDs are made to last indefinitely. That's a good saving! And the maintenance. Takes all of 30 seconds and I don't drip everywhere, nor am I covered in flecks of algae and slime from scraping off sheets" -- Fragalicious, Austrailia.
    "Look at the amazing [HOG3] growth!" -- Anthony at Aquaful.
    "[HOG3] has been working well for some time. I had a mature sps system, and did not get much growth initially. Initial system had skimmer and ferric oxide reactor. Refugium had a bright led with Chateomorpha and plenty of live rock. I ended up removing ferric oxide reactor to initiated growth. I also had to turn off light to refugium to continue growth. Since growth started good, I gave large live rock to friend and took down refugium. So system is much simpler and working well. Lots of corraline algae growth. After 15 years as hobbiest I wanted simpler system so very happy with results" -- Drew Young.
    "I have been very pleased with my HOG3. When I set up my current 95 gal reef my intentions were to keep it simple and low tech. I have been involved with this hobby in some form or another for more than 25 years and my favorite tanks have always seemed to be the ones with the least equipment" -- Jeapa on the scrubber site.
    "I bought a HOG3 and it work with my 12 gallon. so i bought a smaller one" -- guv2840-xdqa46 on ebay.
    "just awesome [HOG3]" -- jtn007au on ebay.
    "Items received ok [HOG3], good ebayer" -- 7189matt on ebay.
    "very happy with the quality of the [HOG3] product" -- houman hashemi, in france.
    "I found my saltwater hermit crabs are eating [in the HOG3]. Sweet. Saves on buying those algae tabs. I love this algae scrubber!" -- Kelly Peissner.
    "my HOG3 is doing a good job in my 90 gallon tank, it consistently produces thick green hair algae that I clean/remove every 2-3 weeks. I bought a custom 190 gallon tank and will run a 60 gallon sump underneath for corals and fish, but no inverts. I intend to use a HOG3x for this tank setup" -- Derek Johnson, Greece.
    "Great Product [HOG3]" -- Derek Johnson, Marlin, Texas, USA.
    "20 days... that's pretty wicked [HOG3] growth, and it seems like my glass algae has lessened. Phosphate is between .06-.19 and I only clean the glass about once every two weeks and it takes only a min or two. best thing I have bought for my tank" -- Trevor Janvier, Canada.
    "My HOG3 is working good, and I want another one" -- Christian Aquino, Westechester, Illinois, USA.
    "Yes the [HOG3] is amazing. I have it in my ten gallon right now. No algae what so ever on the glass, etc. Water parameters are perfect!" -- Kelly Peissner, North Pole, Alaska, USA.
    "Been growing like a champ!" -- Mike Barone, Delrey Beach, Florida USA.
    "Both the HOG3 and SURF8 are growing bright green algae; the nuisance algae in my tank is disappearing fast" -- Richard Neal, Santa Clara, California, USA,
    "So far, loving my new HOG3, definitely seem to have less algae on my glass, which is nice, not as much scraping as usual. I stopped using GFO, just before installing this, so the HOG3 was kind of, in a roundabout way to replace the GFO reactor. My phosphate has risen a little compared to running GFO (fresh) from 0.05 to 0.09 as expected, but my corals and I prefer this method. I'm now not focussing on low phosphate, but now focusing on just more stability with phosphate level. There's no swing in phosphate that is normally related to GFO life, so things stay really stable. The rise in phosphates is not causing any issues as the ATS has been picking up the slack quite well. When I got this I was pleased with how easy it was to install and use. It takes up very little space and fits just fine on the sump under the cabinet" -- IUfan on the INDMAS site.
    "My two HOG3 units are very quiet when I put them one inch above the waterline. No other filters. Just the live rock, 2” sand and HOG3’s. They are growing algae like crazy. I empty each one about once a weak (on different days) and they are FULL when I do. My tank isn't fully stocked yet, so I may need to get 1 or 2 more later. Meanwhile, inside the tank, I haven't had ANY nuisance algae since these HOGs kicked in, and I don't use any other filtration, and I've never done a water change. Needless to say, I am VERY happy with these. -- Sean Whelan, Brentwood, Tennessee, USA.


    "Bought one from ebay some time ago, and I love it" -- bjbearr59 on ebay.
    "excellent super quick delivery will buy from again" -- bjbearr on ebay.
    "HOG2 and HOG1.3 are both producing a beautiful thick dark green algae that I harvest each week, dry out, and feed to the plecos (but the other fish nibble it too)" -- Ben Ochart.
    "I have two HOG2 scrubbers in my freshwater tanks" -- FK Leyro.
    "It's growing thick mats of green [freshwater] algae on it now" - Sean Wojtowicz - Loxley, Alabama, USA.
    "Very nicely made. easy to install and get working" -- Kevin Eklund, USA.
    "Thanks for the clear instructions you taped to everything! Between them and the video I watched, installation [of the HOG2] was a breeze" -- Nancy of Goldfish-Emergency.
    "Getting lots of thick green algae to clean. My ornamental goldfish love to eat it. Have 4 of the HOG2’s in the sump for my 350 gallon freshwater tank. Anyway the HOG2s appear to be working great as far as growing the thick green algae" -- Doug Jackson.
    "Well I can report that things have gone from good to excellent. Since my HOG2 was installed, ive used 3 different test kit brands, all of which have shown Zero on nitrite, nitrate, phosphate & ammonia (once the level came down). My goal of having ONLY the hog2 as filtration is now achieved other than a poly filter in the sump. It feels like im not reading it right or something is going on I dont see. After years of keeping fish and having the usual problems, its all perfect now. Absolutely fantastic! Test readings are s.g. 1.025. Ph fluctuating around 8.0 - 8.4. Phosphate, ammonia nitrite & nitrate zero. I feed some of the scrubbers algae on a veggi clip to the yellow tang. Hope you folks get the same results as ive got using the santamonica scrubber. All that i can only guess is all down to the HOG2 as its the only thing ive used differently from before and had nowhere near the success im having now. Most if not all corals have doubled or quadrupled in the last few months" -- Centralscot on the scrubber site.
    "A+ Thanks [HOG2]" -- steve_flynn on ebay.
    "just installed [HOG2], seems to be running smoothly, exciting about the result" -- dandanstr on ebay.
    "A+++ [HOG2]" -- bdavis302012 on ebay.
    "Great eBayer [HOG2]" -- nwhitwell on ebay.
    "HOG2 seems to work great! Thanks again! My clown loaches love the water now" -- Antti Miettinen, Finland.
    "I just wanted to let you know my nitrate levels are zero. I have never had this tank at zero nitrates. I have always had to do multiple water changes ever week. Can’t thank you enough. Neither can my fish." -- Snohomish, Washington, USA.
    "Thank you!! You provided us with our very first [HOG2] and have started us on our way. The scholars are excited about the ATS and cannot wait until we can get everything else." -- William Romney, Assistant Pricipal, New Visions High School, Jamaica, New York, USA.


    "Excellent product. Worked like a charm and cleared my hair algae" -- "C" on amazon.
    "I am very happy with the [HOG1.3] scrubber it seems to be doing a good job. Thank you" -- David Pummell, UK.
    "I have had a lot of good luck with the Santa Monica HOG1.3 It fits perfect in my sump area. It's been running for about 2 months and I have ZERO algae in my display and a ton of it in the Scrubber. Then if you ever upgrade you can just add another one" -- FLSharkvictim on the RC site.
    "Just wanted to share my experience with the Santa Monica HOG 1.3 after 1 week. Prior to installing ATS I was running Bio Pellets. My Nitrate was controlled for several years using bio pellets but recently continued to rise and was up over 20ppm. I removed the bio pellets and installed the HOG 1.3 a little over a week ago. Nitrates were at 10 ppm today. Very happy with the performance of the HOG1.3 and the second pic is after two weeks and nitrates are down" -- Reefkpr on the scrubber site.
    "Been having months and months of great seaweed production" Guy Chaumont, France.
    "thank yuo super filter! [HOG1.3] travjann on ebay.
    "Excelent [HOG1.3]" -- etiburonzon on ebay.
    "Just as described! [HOG1.3] Excellent. Now good bye algae!" -- cagg32 on ebay.
    "Fast Shipping [HOG1.3], looking forward to seeing the positive effects on my tank!" -- lvcoach105 on ebay.
    "A+, Thanks [HOG1.3]" -- steve_flynn on ebay.
    "Thanks [HOG1.3]" -- bparkes87 on ebay.


    "Works reliably. Simple, easy to install" -- MikeP on the MD site.
    "Well packaged. Looks great in tank. Would purchase from again" -- kovvboykoral on ebay.
    "It's working great , I usually flip it over a few weeks in the tank to allow the pleco to eat the algae" -- Tyler Spurlock, Merritt Island, Florida, USA.
    "This thing is incredible! Took awhile to get it broke in. I’m feeding 3 times a week. Half a teaspoon of reef roids and I throw 2 or 3 mysis shrimp in with it. Nitrates are barely detectable. This algae scrubber has paid for itself 3 times. I use Red Sea Coral pro and my water changes have been cut in half! It’s crazy! My only regret is that I didn’t get one sooner." -- John Keiser.
    "I have been using your Scrubber the HOG1x for my 120 and I have not had any algae in my tank what so ever! It took a little longer than normal, but it's 100% keeping the Red and Green Alage out of my tank" -- Matt Paul, Seminole, Florida, USA.
    "I got the HOG1x; love your products!" -- : E-van D. Dessasau, Decatur, Georgia, USA.
    "I love the [HOG1x] and it has helped a ton in regards to algae control" -- nola90 on the R2R site.
    "A really dependable product" -- Eric Aragaki.
    "I have tried both [fuge and ATS] and found that ATS will cause the refuge to suffer. The kind of algae that grows in ats has more rapid growth compared to macro algae. I personally use a santa monica ats [HOG1x] along with a skimmer. These are my primary ways of nutrient export" -- sandipan.ece on the RC site.
    "i run a santa monica UAG hox1x and it works fine" -- Carl_CDK on the UR site.
    "I have had my HOG1x in for two weeks now and i would have to say success!! My tank didn't even really cycle (est rock + live sand helps immensely in that regard) except for a little cyano bloom. My mantis is in her new home and I'm preparing to add some corals, mangroves, and more rock / macro to my tank. Nh3, no2, and no3 are all reading 0" -- Carmelpi on the CR site.
    "HOG1x works great" -- Eitan Barnea, Israel.
    "Works great!" -- Sea_Monkey on the R2R site.
    "Super fast shipper [HOG1x]" -- 321bmj on ebay.
    "Thanks! [HOG1x]" -- wizzybitz on ebay.
    "Quick delivery. 100 percent [HOG1x]" -- keira_1983 on ebay.
    "Super Service on all levels; Item as described [HOG1x] Everything nice!" -- silver_surfer_lu on ebay.
    "Great to deal with [HOG1x]" -- miffy968 on ebay.
    "I am finally getting a great harvest. I'm glad I stuck with it!" -- TJ Wyand.
    "i have the UAS HOG1x on my 60 cube, no skimmer or filter sock and feeding plenty. Love my scrubber works like a charm. but what i love the most is how efficient my tank is with electricity, just a 30 watt led keesil, air pump, led's for scrubber, heater and uplift pump for an sps tank is not bad at all, especially considering how expensive electricity is" -- Mogamatseraajregal in South Africa, on the MASA site.
    "I got the HOG1x on tank running for 3 weeks, looks very promising, brown dust on glass has been reducing since adding the ATS" -- RNgracias on the MASA site, South Africa.


    "Just had my first 2 weeks of growth; Left it in the tank over night and the pleco devoured it .. it’s back to grow more" --
    Tim Adams, Woodlands Cholderton, UK.
    "HOG1 works great with green algae, thank you.very much, I am quite happy, the conventional filter with bacteria could be removed. It was worth the trouble" -- Wolfgang Doster, Erding, Germany.
    "Very happy quick delivery excellent item good quality" -- digger1664 on ebay.
    "My Hog1 has really taken off" -- Brooks Forsyth.
    "I love the HOG1 scrubber by the way! My water quality has never been better since I started using it." -- Keith Hatfield.
    "I really appreciate the the quality of the [green grabber] surface you've created -- Jim Whitaker, Batavia, Ohio, USA.
    "works amazingly well to keep your tank algae free" -- ww3906 on ebay.
    "I am a long time user of your [HOG1] algae scrubber for my 90 gallon tank. I absolutely love it!!!" -- Derrick D., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
    "It works perfectly. It grows a ton of algae inside the unit and definitely keeps my tank walls cleaner" -- drbenjamin on ebay.
    The product is working as expected and I am harvesting hands full of green algae every 10 days Happy with the product" -- Rajesh Krishnan, India.
    "it works really well" -- shep on the R2R site:
    "We have had the unit installed and working fine in a 30 gal tank since about a week after it arrived, and we have found that it keeps the levels of ammonia and nitrate in control and the algae grows very well on what is in that tank" -- Curtis Rempel, Canada.
    "I got my HOG1 and will never have any tank without one. I harvest once a week about the size of my palm. I've made scrubbers before, to have them squart water every were, change bulbs, or have to clean salt creep every week. Trust me its a little money but its worth it. -- Smith-Rowe on the CFT site.
    "good experience [HOG1]" -- azamac1978 on ebay.
    "Thanks fast shipping [HOG1]" -- pupu7575 on ebay.
    "Fast Shipping [HOG1], thanks" -- odalac on ebay.
    "HOG1 had been making nice thick seaweed for the past few weeks. Really took off nicely. Been pulling out a chunck every week" -- jcs11236 on the R2R site.
    "It's working quite well. Thank you, great product" -- Art Friday, North Carolina.
    "Didn't have much hope for it at first but love it after giving it plenty of time to establish and not giving up on it" -- smeagol108 on the NR site.
    "The HOG1 it's the same thing [as a SURF2] on a smaller scale, it depends on the amount of food that you distribute" -- Eric75003 on the RF site, France.
    "Implementing the [HOG1] was really easy. My water parameters have not changed since turning my skimmer off. I'm still at 0 Nitrates and .00 phosphate, and I'm still feeding twice a day approximately 2 frozen cubes" -- bpitts2 on the INDMAS site.
    "This [HOG1] is going great guns, so I ordered another one yesterday. I have seen plenty of pods hanging around the one in the sump too. Is definately dealing with my nutrients, though I havent changed water in ages and my water is at really stable low nutrients" -- Bangalang on the MASA site, South Africa.


    "Works great, thanks" - Reuven Kadoshi, Petah-Tikva , Israel.
    "Working great, thank you" -- Toan Duong, Fairport, New York, USA.
    "very fast service. goods very well packed" -- johbry_hsqtxbixh on ebay.
    "very quick delivery very happy thank you" -- misswhiplash60 on ebay.
    "Mine works great! Minus one star because it’s just not very attractive on the side of a nano...but it looks better than hair algae all Over my rocks. Definitely works! I used a little larger air pump, and green hair algae inside the filter. Started right away" -- Issac on Amazon.
    "This is a great product! Took a little over 2 weeks to start buildings algae but it has lowered my nitrates to zero. I would highly recommend getting a air pump to push bubbles through it. Doesn’t have to be an expensive one. The first one I got from them was defective, but they quickly got a new one out to me the same day" -- Scotty Rosatto on Amazon.
    "This has been on my sump for about month. My tank is the best it's ever been. Algea is disappearing in the display tank. Corals are looking great. The alga growth in the scrubber really took off this week" -- Verified Customer on Amazon.
    "It works!" -- Anthony Lin, Ireland.
    "It’s been working great, I have it in the 3rd chamber, return of a biocube 29. I scraped the film off to let the light shine through onto it" -- Michael Fosselman, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
    "Have zero nitrate on my 65g reef, and the Hog.5 puts our no heat at all" -- KeithHundley On Youtube.
    "Every 2 to 3 weeks I harvest algae from my HOG.5 and my fish and critters love to eat it. There is enough algae to feed my fish all the way until the next harvest. I put the algae on a tray and divide it into portions before freezing it, and then take out one portion at a time to put in the tank" -- Michael Langerman, New York, USA.
    "My HOG.5 is working very well, thanks" -- Lisa DiMercurio, Canada.
    "I already have a HOG.5 and love it, and now want a HOG1x" -- Katy Coleman, Beaverton, Oregon, USA.
    "Works extremely well in my small salwater tank. I have lots of live rock and had a bad algae problem. I installed the HOG and turned off my aquarium lights for a little while. I figured that I didn't want the tank lights competing with the algae scrubber lights. Wow! It produced very thick mats of green algae. Like I said, my tank was pretty dirty to begin with. I cleaned the scrubber every few days at first while also cleaning all the excess algae out of my tank. Once the rocks were clean I turned the tank lights back on. Now the algae is not coming back but is instead growing inside the scrubber. I measured an increase in my oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) I ran ozone a few years ago until the ozone controller broke and I never had it replaced. Nothing I did ever raised my ORP until I got this scrubber. Now I don't think I'll consider going back to ozone. This seems so much more natural. I don't feed my tank the algae that is grown but you can if you want. I have a very small tank with mostly crabs and snails and just throw the algae away. However if you have some tangs you can feed them the algae that grows making a self sustaining ecosystem. Great idea SantaMonica. Keep up the good work!" -- DCD on Amazon.
    "This has been on my sump for about month. My tank is the best it's ever been. Algea is disappearing in the display tank. Corals are looking great. The alga growth in the scrubber really took off this week" -- "Verified Customer" on Amazon.
    "I have to empty my HOG.5 once a week. I've been running it for 1 1/2 years now getting a baseball size algae clump every week" -- shovelhead on the R2R site.
    "It manages the nutrient load well" -- superflyy on ebay.
    "Been work great" -- Ari Weiss, Pennsylvania, USA.
    "Works great! I have a big tank, but it keeps the glass clean for a whole week before I see anything. I also have a SURF2 on another big tank and it does the same." -- Sherman Vogel, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
    "All is up and running perfectly" -- Tommy Kers, Singapore.
    "Very pleased with the HOG.5 so far, it's neat and simple" -- Joey Williams.
    "The product [HOG.5] works great… I will be purchasing bigger models in the near future" -- Bruce Ashcroft.
    "Yes it is working [HOG.5], and in a few weeks I am going to post on [our forum] about my experience with it" -- James DeSantis.
    "I've been running an Algae Scrubber on my work tank for months now. After using one I don't plan to run another tank long-term without one. I've reefed for several years and I admit I was more than just a little skeptical about this whole ATS thing. Well not any more. I installed the Santa Monica UAS (HOG.5) on my work tank and the tank has never looked better. I was close to giving up on this tank and tearing it down (It's been up and running here in my office 5+ years now) because I could not get the GHA under control. Because it's in my office it gets the least care/love of all my tanks I've ever owned. It's just a pain to come back to the office after hours to clean/maintain it. I now have zero GHA in this tank and only a small patch of receding Bryopsis in this tank and it's crystal clear. This all came about with NO changes other than the UAS. I didn't treat the tank or increase my water change regimen or anything. By growing the algae in an optimal environment (UAS) and then harvesting the growth I'm removing whatever the algae is feeding on in the main tank and exporting the growth from the system. I've noticed a slow-down in the GHA inside the UAS and I can only assume it's because the tank is more stable now and found it's equilibrium with the UAS installed. I installed the UAS and honestly for the first month I thought "This isn't working at all... there's hardly any green on the screen material". Honestly I sort of forgot about the UAS and didn't check it for weeks. One morning when the lights came on I was thinking, "What the heck is that green stringy stuff hanging off the glass on that one side? It was where the UAS has grown so MUCH GHA that it was spilling out from under the unit due to lack of cleaning. I honestly don't know it it was 4 weeks or 8 weeks since I had even thought about it but it was working" BigAl2007 on the RS site.
    "Great seller thanks [HOG.5]" -- tommykers1971 on ebay.
    "A1 ebayer [HOG.5]" -- thorbinrh on ebay.
    "Highly recommend doing business with this seller [HOG.5]" -- vip.lorenzo on ebay.
    "Great HOG.5, Thank you" -- bigbluebatman on ebay.
    "Very nice filter [HOG.5], as described, quick shipping Recommended seller" -- anapurnaiii on ebay.
    "many thanks, Great product [HOG.5], fast delivery" -- stevenjoyce29 on ebay.
    "Excellent [HOG.5] def recommend" -- kre159 on ebay.
    "Nice item [HOG.5]" -- fishing2424 on ebay.
    "Quick delivery, excellent item [HOG.5], brilliant seller. Perfect, thank you" -- level1imp on ebay.
    "Definitely recommended [HOG.5]" -- alucard827 on ebay.
    "Great product [HOG.5]. Great Customer Service!" -- mandiars on ebay.
    "bigger than it looks [HOG.5] great unit" -- kootab01 on ebay.
    "works great [HOG.5], shipped fast and packed securely" -- tinman262h2012 on ebay.
    "Superb [HOG.5], thank you" -- blade1buster on ebay.
    "Great little item [HOG.5] fast delivery recommended" -- terrynorth1976 on ebay.
    "Thanks works great [HOG.5]" -- nhedz0426 on ebay.
    "Turbidity WAY down. Water crystal - Works AWESOME [HOG.5]. Shipped FAST. Thanks again." -- ascosens on ebay.
    "Fast and Easy! [HOG.5] thanks again!" -- kllrwlf on ebay.
    "Thank you. Would buy again [HOG.5]" -- avrc8 on ebay.
    "Great product! [HOG.5] Incredible fast shipping!" -- ruffian738 on ebay.
    "Nice, recommended [HOG.5]" -- joselopez999 on ebay.
    "Super service [HOG.5]" -- skibbatechno on ebay.
    "good transaction, fast shipper" -- jamesjhfl on ebay.
    "I use a Santa Monica HOG.5 upflow algae scrubber and I love it. It works wonders... I get insane nasty growth every seven days" -- smeagol108 on the NR site.
    "My 4 year old HOG.5 is still growing great" - Russ13 on the SCR site.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    "It's perfect" -- Mohommad Abdullah, Kawait.

    "It’s working well making a ton of algae" -- Jauvid Ayadi, Orlando, Florida, USA.
    "I clean it once a week and it is almost full of algae. I've used subbers before but I liked your design so I thought I would give it a try. I'm pretty happy so far" -- Jeff Schick, Utah, USA.
    "Great build quality" -- Jean-Marc Deborne, France.
    "It's a common sense product; easy and reliable" -- Martin Caceres, Total Aquariums retail store, East Rockaway, New York, USA.
    "My HOG3x is growing nice amounts of algae. It's a lovely green colour too. Looks almost edible!!" -- Olysi on the UR site.


    "My HOG3 is working great. Nitrate 2, and phosphate .02, so I'm really happy with the scrubber" -- Mario Ortiz, Spain.
    "It took a little while but this guy is collecting stuff like crazy. My glass is much cleaner and I do less frequent water changes and all my fish and coral seem to be happy. Highly recommend" -- Amazon Customer.
    "all good had hog 3 for long time that is cool as well thanks" -- 4045mandy on ebay.
    "I have it [HOG3] on for about 20 hrs a day. I removed the skimmer on the tank now. The scrubber is the only thing on the tank, along with my powerheads. I love it so far. I can see a different in my tank" -- TristanStoelb, Vincennes, Indiana, USA.
    "I'm using the HOG3 on 250 litre Red Sea Max with protein skimmer and carbon. The HOG3 is hanged on the left side wall. I'm try to feed the tangs mostly with algae that I'm picking from the scrubber" -- Bennyss in Israel, on the scrubber site.
    "I have been running my two HOG3 units for about 18 hours of light per day, and they work perfectly" -- Jonathan Wexler.
    "The thing I really like about it is the size and space is takes up, it's like having a refugium without needing all the extra space required for a real one" -- fishncars on the RC site.
    "Quite the clean-out of the Santa Monica HOG Algae Scrubber on the warm-water Jelliquarium jellyfish tank. Two weeks growth and the unit is packed with algae" -- Jim Stime Jr.
    "We run the HOG3 in one of our tanks and the SURF4s in the rest (at this stage) and couldn't be happier. Yes, you can hear the [air] pump running, but that's practically it! and the excess evaporation has stopped. Plus, rather than having to replace your lights all the time as you have to for traditional home-made [scrubbers], these LEDs are made to last indefinitely. That's a good saving! And the maintenance. Takes all of 30 seconds and I don't drip everywhere, nor am I covered in flecks of algae and slime from scraping off sheets" -- Fragalicious, Austrailia.
    "Look at the amazing [HOG3] growth!" -- Anthony at Aquaful.
    "[HOG3] has been working well for some time. I had a mature sps system, and did not get much growth initially. Initial system had skimmer and ferric oxide reactor. Refugium had a bright led with Chateomorpha and plenty of live rock. I ended up removing ferric oxide reactor to initiated growth. I also had to turn off light to refugium to continue growth. Since growth started good, I gave large live rock to friend and took down refugium. So system is much simpler and working well. Lots of corraline algae growth. After 15 years as hobbiest I wanted simpler system so very happy with results" -- Drew Young.
    "I have been very pleased with my HOG3. When I set up my current 95 gal reef my intentions were to keep it simple and low tech. I have been involved with this hobby in some form or another for more than 25 years and my favorite tanks have always seemed to be the ones with the least equipment" -- Jeapa on the scrubber site.
    "I bought a HOG3 and it work with my 12 gallon. so i bought a smaller one" -- guv2840-xdqa46 on ebay.
    "just awesome [HOG3]" -- jtn007au on ebay.
    "Items received ok [HOG3], good ebayer" -- 7189matt on ebay.
    "very happy with the quality of the [HOG3] product" -- houman hashemi, in france.
    "I found my saltwater hermit crabs are eating [in the HOG3]. Sweet. Saves on buying those algae tabs. I love this algae scrubber!" -- Kelly Peissner.
    "my HOG3 is doing a good job in my 90 gallon tank, it consistently produces thick green hair algae that I clean/remove every 2-3 weeks. I bought a custom 190 gallon tank and will run a 60 gallon sump underneath for corals and fish, but no inverts. I intend to use a HOG3x for this tank setup" -- Derek Johnson, Greece.
    "Great Product [HOG3]" -- Derek Johnson, Marlin, Texas, USA.
    "20 days... that's pretty wicked [HOG3] growth, and it seems like my glass algae has lessened. Phosphate is between .06-.19 and I only clean the glass about once every two weeks and it takes only a min or two. best thing I have bought for my tank" -- Trevor Janvier, Canada.
    "My HOG3 is working good, and I want another one" -- Christian Aquino, Westechester, Illinois, USA.
    "Yes the [HOG3] is amazing. I have it in my ten gallon right now. No algae what so ever on the glass, etc. Water parameters are perfect!" -- Kelly Peissner, North Pole, Alaska, USA.
    "Been growing like a champ!" -- Mike Barone, Delrey Beach, Florida USA.
    "Both the HOG3 and SURF8 are growing bright green algae; the nuisance algae in my tank is disappearing fast" -- Richard Neal, Santa Clara, California, USA,
    "So far, loving my new HOG3, definitely seem to have less algae on my glass, which is nice, not as much scraping as usual. I stopped using GFO, just before installing this, so the HOG3 was kind of, in a roundabout way to replace the GFO reactor. My phosphate has risen a little compared to running GFO (fresh) from 0.05 to 0.09 as expected, but my corals and I prefer this method. I'm now not focussing on low phosphate, but now focusing on just more stability with phosphate level. There's no swing in phosphate that is normally related to GFO life, so things stay really stable. The rise in phosphates is not causing any issues as the ATS has been picking up the slack quite well. When I got this I was pleased with how easy it was to install and use. It takes up very little space and fits just fine on the sump under the cabinet" -- IUfan on the INDMAS site.
    "My two HOG3 units are very quiet when I put them one inch above the waterline. No other filters. Just the live rock, 2” sand and HOG3’s. They are growing algae like crazy. I empty each one about once a weak (on different days) and they are FULL when I do. My tank isn't fully stocked yet, so I may need to get 1 or 2 more later. Meanwhile, inside the tank, I haven't had ANY nuisance algae since these HOGs kicked in, and I don't use any other filtration, and I've never done a water change. Needless to say, I am VERY happy with these. -- Sean Whelan, Brentwood, Tennessee, USA.


    "Bought one from ebay some time ago, and I love it" -- bjbearr59 on ebay.
    "excellent super quick delivery will buy from again" -- bjbearr on ebay.
    "HOG2 and HOG1.3 are both producing a beautiful thick dark green algae that I harvest each week, dry out, and feed to the plecos (but the other fish nibble it too)" -- Ben Ochart.
    "I have two HOG2 scrubbers in my freshwater tanks" -- FK Leyro.
    "It's growing thick mats of green [freshwater] algae on it now" - Sean Wojtowicz - Loxley, Alabama, USA.
    "Very nicely made. easy to install and get working" -- Kevin Eklund, USA.
    "Thanks for the clear instructions you taped to everything! Between them and the video I watched, installation [of the HOG2] was a breeze" -- Nancy of Goldfish-Emergency.
    "Getting lots of thick green algae to clean. My ornamental goldfish love to eat it. Have 4 of the HOG2’s in the sump for my 350 gallon freshwater tank. Anyway the HOG2s appear to be working great as far as growing the thick green algae" -- Doug Jackson.
    "Well I can report that things have gone from good to excellent. Since my HOG2 was installed, ive used 3 different test kit brands, all of which have shown Zero on nitrite, nitrate, phosphate & ammonia (once the level came down). My goal of having ONLY the hog2 as filtration is now achieved other than a poly filter in the sump. It feels like im not reading it right or something is going on I dont see. After years of keeping fish and having the usual problems, its all perfect now. Absolutely fantastic! Test readings are s.g. 1.025. Ph fluctuating around 8.0 - 8.4. Phosphate, ammonia nitrite & nitrate zero. I feed some of the scrubbers algae on a veggi clip to the yellow tang. Hope you folks get the same results as ive got using the santamonica scrubber. All that i can only guess is all down to the HOG2 as its the only thing ive used differently from before and had nowhere near the success im having now. Most if not all corals have doubled or quadrupled in the last few months" -- Centralscot on the scrubber site.
    "A+ Thanks [HOG2]" -- steve_flynn on ebay.
    "just installed [HOG2], seems to be running smoothly, exciting about the result" -- dandanstr on ebay.
    "A+++ [HOG2]" -- bdavis302012 on ebay.
    "Great eBayer [HOG2]" -- nwhitwell on ebay.
    "HOG2 seems to work great! Thanks again! My clown loaches love the water now" -- Antti Miettinen, Finland.
    "I just wanted to let you know my nitrate levels are zero. I have never had this tank at zero nitrates. I have always had to do multiple water changes ever week. Can’t thank you enough. Neither can my fish." -- Snohomish, Washington, USA.
    "Thank you!! You provided us with our very first [HOG2] and have started us on our way. The scholars are excited about the ATS and cannot wait until we can get everything else." -- William Romney, Assistant Pricipal, New Visions High School, Jamaica, New York, USA.


    "Excellent product. Worked like a charm and cleared my hair algae" -- "C" on amazon.
    "I am very happy with the [HOG1.3] scrubber it seems to be doing a good job. Thank you" -- David Pummell, UK.
    "I have had a lot of good luck with the Santa Monica HOG1.3 It fits perfect in my sump area. It's been running for about 2 months and I have ZERO algae in my display and a ton of it in the Scrubber. Then if you ever upgrade you can just add another one" -- FLSharkvictim on the RC site.
    "Just wanted to share my experience with the Santa Monica HOG 1.3 after 1 week. Prior to installing ATS I was running Bio Pellets. My Nitrate was controlled for several years using bio pellets but recently continued to rise and was up over 20ppm. I removed the bio pellets and installed the HOG 1.3 a little over a week ago. Nitrates were at 10 ppm today. Very happy with the performance of the HOG1.3 and the second pic is after two weeks and nitrates are down" -- Reefkpr on the scrubber site.
    "Been having months and months of great seaweed production" Guy Chaumont, France.
    "thank yuo super filter! [HOG1.3] travjann on ebay.
    "Excelent [HOG1.3]" -- etiburonzon on ebay.
    "Just as described! [HOG1.3] Excellent. Now good bye algae!" -- cagg32 on ebay.
    "Fast Shipping [HOG1.3], looking forward to seeing the positive effects on my tank!" -- lvcoach105 on ebay.
    "A+, Thanks [HOG1.3]" -- steve_flynn on ebay.
    "Thanks [HOG1.3]" -- bparkes87 on ebay.


    "Works reliably. Simple, easy to install" -- MikeP on the MD site.
    "Well packaged. Looks great in tank. Would purchase from again" -- kovvboykoral on ebay.
    "It's working great , I usually flip it over a few weeks in the tank to allow the pleco to eat the algae" -- Tyler Spurlock, Merritt Island, Florida, USA.
    "This thing is incredible! Took awhile to get it broke in. I’m feeding 3 times a week. Half a teaspoon of reef roids and I throw 2 or 3 mysis shrimp in with it. Nitrates are barely detectable. This algae scrubber has paid for itself 3 times. I use Red Sea Coral pro and my water changes have been cut in half! It’s crazy! My only regret is that I didn’t get one sooner." -- John Keiser.
    "I have been using your Scrubber the HOG1x for my 120 and I have not had any algae in my tank what so ever! It took a little longer than normal, but it's 100% keeping the Red and Green Alage out of my tank" -- Matt Paul, Seminole, Florida, USA.
    "I got the HOG1x; love your products!" -- : E-van D. Dessasau, Decatur, Georgia, USA.
    "I love the [HOG1x] and it has helped a ton in regards to algae control" -- nola90 on the R2R site.
    "A really dependable product" -- Eric Aragaki.
    "I have tried both [fuge and ATS] and found that ATS will cause the refuge to suffer. The kind of algae that grows in ats has more rapid growth compared to macro algae. I personally use a santa monica ats [HOG1x] along with a skimmer. These are my primary ways of nutrient export" -- sandipan.ece on the RC site.
    "i run a santa monica UAG hox1x and it works fine" -- Carl_CDK on the UR site.
    "I have had my HOG1x in for two weeks now and i would have to say success!! My tank didn't even really cycle (est rock + live sand helps immensely in that regard) except for a little cyano bloom. My mantis is in her new home and I'm preparing to add some corals, mangroves, and more rock / macro to my tank. Nh3, no2, and no3 are all reading 0" -- Carmelpi on the CR site.
    "HOG1x works great" -- Eitan Barnea, Israel.
    "Works great!" -- Sea_Monkey on the R2R site.
    "Super fast shipper [HOG1x]" -- 321bmj on ebay.
    "Thanks! [HOG1x]" -- wizzybitz on ebay.
    "Quick delivery. 100 percent [HOG1x]" -- keira_1983 on ebay.
    "Super Service on all levels; Item as described [HOG1x] Everything nice!" -- silver_surfer_lu on ebay.
    "Great to deal with [HOG1x]" -- miffy968 on ebay.
    "I am finally getting a great harvest. I'm glad I stuck with it!" -- TJ Wyand.
    "i have the UAS HOG1x on my 60 cube, no skimmer or filter sock and feeding plenty. Love my scrubber works like a charm. but what i love the most is how efficient my tank is with electricity, just a 30 watt led keesil, air pump, led's for scrubber, heater and uplift pump for an sps tank is not bad at all, especially considering how expensive electricity is" -- Mogamatseraajregal in South Africa, on the MASA site.
    "I got the HOG1x on tank running for 3 weeks, looks very promising, brown dust on glass has been reducing since adding the ATS" -- RNgracias on the MASA site, South Africa.


    "Just had my first 2 weeks of growth; Left it in the tank over night and the pleco devoured it .. it’s back to grow more" --
    Tim Adams, Woodlands Cholderton, UK.
    "HOG1 works great with green algae, thank you.very much, I am quite happy, the conventional filter with bacteria could be removed. It was worth the trouble" -- Wolfgang Doster, Erding, Germany.
    "Very happy quick delivery excellent item good quality" -- digger1664 on ebay.
    "My Hog1 has really taken off" -- Brooks Forsyth.
    "I love the HOG1 scrubber by the way! My water quality has never been better since I started using it." -- Keith Hatfield.
    "I really appreciate the the quality of the [green grabber] surface you've created -- Jim Whitaker, Batavia, Ohio, USA.
    "works amazingly well to keep your tank algae free" -- ww3906 on ebay.
    "I am a long time user of your [HOG1] algae scrubber for my 90 gallon tank. I absolutely love it!!!" -- Derrick D., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
    "It works perfectly. It grows a ton of algae inside the unit and definitely keeps my tank walls cleaner" -- drbenjamin on ebay.
    The product is working as expected and I am harvesting hands full of green algae every 10 days Happy with the product" -- Rajesh Krishnan, India.
    "it works really well" -- shep on the R2R site:
    "We have had the unit installed and working fine in a 30 gal tank since about a week after it arrived, and we have found that it keeps the levels of ammonia and nitrate in control and the algae grows very well on what is in that tank" -- Curtis Rempel, Canada.
    "I got my HOG1 and will never have any tank without one. I harvest once a week about the size of my palm. I've made scrubbers before, to have them squart water every were, change bulbs, or have to clean salt creep every week. Trust me its a little money but its worth it. -- Smith-Rowe on the CFT site.
    "good experience [HOG1]" -- azamac1978 on ebay.
    "Thanks fast shipping [HOG1]" -- pupu7575 on ebay.
    "Fast Shipping [HOG1], thanks" -- odalac on ebay.
    "HOG1 had been making nice thick seaweed for the past few weeks. Really took off nicely. Been pulling out a chunck every week" -- jcs11236 on the R2R site.
    "It's working quite well. Thank you, great product" -- Art Friday, North Carolina.
    "Didn't have much hope for it at first but love it after giving it plenty of time to establish and not giving up on it" -- smeagol108 on the NR site.
    "The HOG1 it's the same thing [as a SURF2] on a smaller scale, it depends on the amount of food that you distribute" -- Eric75003 on the RF site, France.
    "Implementing the [HOG1] was really easy. My water parameters have not changed since turning my skimmer off. I'm still at 0 Nitrates and .00 phosphate, and I'm still feeding twice a day approximately 2 frozen cubes" -- bpitts2 on the INDMAS site.
    "This [HOG1] is going great guns, so I ordered another one yesterday. I have seen plenty of pods hanging around the one in the sump too. Is definately dealing with my nutrients, though I havent changed water in ages and my water is at really stable low nutrients" -- Bangalang on the MASA site, South Africa.


    "Works great, thanks" - Reuven Kadoshi, Petah-Tikva , Israel.
    "Working great, thank you" -- Toan Duong, Fairport, New York, USA.
    "very fast service. goods very well packed" -- johbry_hsqtxbixh on ebay.
    "very quick delivery very happy thank you" -- misswhiplash60 on ebay.
    "Mine works great! Minus one star because it’s just not very attractive on the side of a nano...but it looks better than hair algae all Over my rocks. Definitely works! I used a little larger air pump, and green hair algae inside the filter. Started right away" -- Issac on Amazon.
    "This is a great product! Took a little over 2 weeks to start buildings algae but it has lowered my nitrates to zero. I would highly recommend getting a air pump to push bubbles through it. Doesn’t have to be an expensive one. The first one I got from them was defective, but they quickly got a new one out to me the same day" -- Scotty Rosatto on Amazon.
    "This has been on my sump for about month. My tank is the best it's ever been. Algea is disappearing in the display tank. Corals are looking great. The alga growth in the scrubber really took off this week" -- Verified Customer on Amazon.
    "It works!" -- Anthony Lin, Ireland.
    "It’s been working great, I have it in the 3rd chamber, return of a biocube 29. I scraped the film off to let the light shine through onto it" -- Michael Fosselman, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
    "Have zero nitrate on my 65g reef, and the Hog.5 puts our no heat at all" -- KeithHundley On Youtube.
    "Every 2 to 3 weeks I harvest algae from my HOG.5 and my fish and critters love to eat it. There is enough algae to feed my fish all the way until the next harvest. I put the algae on a tray and divide it into portions before freezing it, and then take out one portion at a time to put in the tank" -- Michael Langerman, New York, USA.
    "My HOG.5 is working very well, thanks" -- Lisa DiMercurio, Canada.
    "I already have a HOG.5 and love it, and now want a HOG1x" -- Katy Coleman, Beaverton, Oregon, USA.
    "Works extremely well in my small salwater tank. I have lots of live rock and had a bad algae problem. I installed the HOG and turned off my aquarium lights for a little while. I figured that I didn't want the tank lights competing with the algae scrubber lights. Wow! It produced very thick mats of green algae. Like I said, my tank was pretty dirty to begin with. I cleaned the scrubber every few days at first while also cleaning all the excess algae out of my tank. Once the rocks were clean I turned the tank lights back on. Now the algae is not coming back but is instead growing inside the scrubber. I measured an increase in my oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) I ran ozone a few years ago until the ozone controller broke and I never had it replaced. Nothing I did ever raised my ORP until I got this scrubber. Now I don't think I'll consider going back to ozone. This seems so much more natural. I don't feed my tank the algae that is grown but you can if you want. I have a very small tank with mostly crabs and snails and just throw the algae away. However if you have some tangs you can feed them the algae that grows making a self sustaining ecosystem. Great idea SantaMonica. Keep up the good work!" -- DCD on Amazon.
    "This has been on my sump for about month. My tank is the best it's ever been. Algea is disappearing in the display tank. Corals are looking great. The alga growth in the scrubber really took off this week" -- "Verified Customer" on Amazon.
    "I have to empty my HOG.5 once a week. I've been running it for 1 1/2 years now getting a baseball size algae clump every week" -- shovelhead on the R2R site.
    "It manages the nutrient load well" -- superflyy on ebay.
    "Been work great" -- Ari Weiss, Pennsylvania, USA.
    "Works great! I have a big tank, but it keeps the glass clean for a whole week before I see anything. I also have a SURF2 on another big tank and it does the same." -- Sherman Vogel, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.
    "All is up and running perfectly" -- Tommy Kers, Singapore.
    "Very pleased with the HOG.5 so far, it's neat and simple" -- Joey Williams.
    "The product [HOG.5] works great… I will be purchasing bigger models in the near future" -- Bruce Ashcroft.
    "Yes it is working [HOG.5], and in a few weeks I am going to post on [our forum] about my experience with it" -- James DeSantis.
    "I've been running an Algae Scrubber on my work tank for months now. After using one I don't plan to run another tank long-term without one. I've reefed for several years and I admit I was more than just a little skeptical about this whole ATS thing. Well not any more. I installed the Santa Monica UAS (HOG.5) on my work tank and the tank has never looked better. I was close to giving up on this tank and tearing it down (It's been up and running here in my office 5+ years now) because I could not get the GHA under control. Because it's in my office it gets the least care/love of all my tanks I've ever owned. It's just a pain to come back to the office after hours to clean/maintain it. I now have zero GHA in this tank and only a small patch of receding Bryopsis in this tank and it's crystal clear. This all came about with NO changes other than the UAS. I didn't treat the tank or increase my water change regimen or anything. By growing the algae in an optimal environment (UAS) and then harvesting the growth I'm removing whatever the algae is feeding on in the main tank and exporting the growth from the system. I've noticed a slow-down in the GHA inside the UAS and I can only assume it's because the tank is more stable now and found it's equilibrium with the UAS installed. I installed the UAS and honestly for the first month I thought "This isn't working at all... there's hardly any green on the screen material". Honestly I sort of forgot about the UAS and didn't check it for weeks. One morning when the lights came on I was thinking, "What the heck is that green stringy stuff hanging off the glass on that one side? It was where the UAS has grown so MUCH GHA that it was spilling out from under the unit due to lack of cleaning. I honestly don't know it it was 4 weeks or 8 weeks since I had even thought about it but it was working" BigAl2007 on the RS site.
    "Great seller thanks [HOG.5]" -- tommykers1971 on ebay.
    "A1 ebayer [HOG.5]" -- thorbinrh on ebay.
    "Highly recommend doing business with this seller [HOG.5]" -- vip.lorenzo on ebay.
    "Great HOG.5, Thank you" -- bigbluebatman on ebay.
    "Very nice filter [HOG.5], as described, quick shipping Recommended seller" -- anapurnaiii on ebay.
    "many thanks, Great product [HOG.5], fast delivery" -- stevenjoyce29 on ebay.
    "Excellent [HOG.5] def recommend" -- kre159 on ebay.
    "Nice item [HOG.5]" -- fishing2424 on ebay.
    "Quick delivery, excellent item [HOG.5], brilliant seller. Perfect, thank you" -- level1imp on ebay.
    "Definitely recommended [HOG.5]" -- alucard827 on ebay.
    "Great product [HOG.5]. Great Customer Service!" -- mandiars on ebay.
    "bigger than it looks [HOG.5] great unit" -- kootab01 on ebay.
    "works great [HOG.5], shipped fast and packed securely" -- tinman262h2012 on ebay.
    "Superb [HOG.5], thank you" -- blade1buster on ebay.
    "Great little item [HOG.5] fast delivery recommended" -- terrynorth1976 on ebay.
    "Thanks works great [HOG.5]" -- nhedz0426 on ebay.
    "Turbidity WAY down. Water crystal - Works AWESOME [HOG.5]. Shipped FAST. Thanks again." -- ascosens on ebay.
    "Fast and Easy! [HOG.5] thanks again!" -- kllrwlf on ebay.
    "Thank you. Would buy again [HOG.5]" -- avrc8 on ebay.
    "Great product! [HOG.5] Incredible fast shipping!" -- ruffian738 on ebay.
    "Nice, recommended [HOG.5]" -- joselopez999 on ebay.
    "Super service [HOG.5]" -- skibbatechno on ebay.
    "good transaction, fast shipper" -- jamesjhfl on ebay.
    "I use a Santa Monica HOG.5 upflow algae scrubber and I love it. It works wonders... I get insane nasty growth every seven days" -- smeagol108 on the NR site.
    "My 4 year old HOG.5 is still growing great" - Russ13 on the SCR site.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Updated, for larger size scrubbers:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Click image for larger version

Name:	customer comments drop.jpg
Views:	798
Size:	41.0 KB
ID:	8349


    "Dropped the filter in last night took literally minutes to setup....everything was prepped for the buyer so it makes it super easy" -- Tier1reefing on IG

    "I just started using their 1.4x drop in, and it works great. Dropped my phosphates and nitrates quickly once the algae started growing. Great company and great proven products" -- plexx on the R2R site.

    "It took it a little longer than expected to start working, but now it is working fine with good growth" -- John Richard, Saint Petersburg, Florida, USA

    "I love the 1.4x on my nano; my drop scrubber has been growing great thick green growth" -- john.wright, wright aquarium services, Houston, Texas, USA.

    "I am a returning customer and love the first two Santa Monica Filters I bought on ebay, the drop .6x and drop 1.4x. These are in Saltwater tanks and I have never been able to have undetectable Nitrate Levels until I started using them. Worth every penny! Now I am looking at the HOG2x for a 125 Gal Goldfish tank with high Nitrates" -- thomabayne-0 on ebay

    "Amazing little unit" -- Ben Riley, Chicago, USA

    "I settled on [DROP1.4] about three months ago; Expensive, but effective at keeping my nutrients at phosphate .05-.08 ppm and nitrate around 4 ppm. Now that I finally have nutrients under control, the corals have been flourishing with the Triton dosing. So, it is actually a combination of the Triton dosing and the scrubber that has led to the excellent [coral] growth that I have had over the last two months. Here's 10 days worth of hair algae growth in my algae scrubber. Clean it out, and that is a load of phosphate and nitrate that I've scrubbed from my system! I really like this thing: Lexinverts on the PWMAS site

    "Here is mine only 2 week old" -- Wilson Chiu, UK

    "I personally like the quality of both [DROP1.4x] units. They do work as advertised for me. Harvesting each one every other week, so while one is cleaned - other is at full power" -- seregus on the UR site.


    "I Love My Santa-Montica Scrubber!!" -- ZoaAddiction81 on the R2R site

    "I love this scrubber and I'm only on my second harvest" - Joseph Sylvester, New Milford, Connecticut, USA

    "Best thing I ever did for my tank. Pods pods pods. I spent years chasing the numbers trying all kinds of crazy stuff to get my tank settled so I could relax and just enjoy it..... Then I got this tiny scrubber and in 4 months I had a whole other tank a mated pair of mandarins and my corals went from meh to growing! I had pods everywhere started taking out filter socks and carbon etc... only thing I was running was the Algae scrubber and my skimmer and I'm sure I could have done away with the skimmer too...that tank was amazing for 6 months then the hurricane came and we lost power for 12 days and I lost everything.... Rebuilding a new tank now and it will have a Scrubber and a skimmer that's it!" -- Jessie2406 on the MD site.

    "I now have hair algae growing in the scrubber, and looking good. thanks" -- Jason Soward

    "Simple, easy to set up. Has indicator lights and just one plug. Great unit. Worked right off the bat. Well constructed and very easy to set up. Would recommend" -- Fishbulb on MD site

    "my drop 1.4 is growing ulva like crazy. Wish I'd gone bigger" -- jlentz on the R2R site.


    "Have received all three of the drop1.2x units. I was impressed with the packaging you did, very professional. It was perfect. Came half way around earth, without any damages" -- Nicos Paradisiotis, Cyprus

    "All is working perfectly... Thank you" -- Jeffrey D'Silva, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

    "It took about a month of cleaning some clear slime out of it, but eventually it started to grow nice green algae. Have to clean it every 2 weeks. Get a fist full sized ball of growth out of it. Works great" -- Colin Detrick, Orlando, Florida, USA

    "Wanted to tell you that I am really very happy with my purchase of the Drop1.2X. It is definitely doing a great job. My reef tank and it's inhabitants are all doing great" -- Albert Guasch, California, USA

    "Simple. Drop in tank, attach air line, plug in. Every 10 days clean. Really does. I had a GHA issue for months, my work around was removing by hand, weekly water changes, reducing light, low feeding, and it still came roaring back week after week in a very low stocked tank. Yes, I could have dyi a scrubber, yes it's pricey, but after 2 weeks started growing algae. 3 weeks tank was noticeably better and in 4 weeks, GHA is nowhere. It is gone completely" -- Kona on MD site

    "It appears after 3 weeks I am growing green and dark green algae in my scrubber. No black slime at all. I have noticed that algae is on the decline on my tank walls. It seems everything is working, and I'm going to turn off my skimmer" -- Randy Kitt, USA

    "my DROP1.2x growth has been insane. My tank is 40 gal. I love it. So much thinking of adding a second one" -- Turboreefer on the scrubber site.

    "I’m about a month in with the DROP1.2x and first thing is my phosphates are significantly down - below .1 when I used to always struggle to be below 0.3!" -- gaskitbas

    "I love this little thing and tell people about it all the time" -- Zachary Bogatz

    "the DROP1.2x works great, the key I found was patience as it did take a month to start growth but that was as described. I like your products and will be buying the GEM5 led grow light submersible system for my new build" -- Jay-Evan Paskell, New Zealand

    "The DROP1.2x has been working great so far. It's filled with algae and amphipods!" -- Toriono Moore, Los Angeles, USA

    "gourami tank: Both DROP1.2x are producing lots of algae each week" -- Amwassil on the scrubber site:


    "So far it’s working great! It took some time to break in but once there was a spot of algae that appeared on the green grabber material the growth exploded. The scrubber is amazing so far and I believe the scrubber is the main reason why I was able to skip the “ugly phase” of starting a new tank. Here’s a picture as of today, and thanks for checking in on how the scrubber is working" -- Tony Resendez

    "I have a little green algae growing as you can see, but mostly a slimy light brown color. But it has brought my nitrates and phosphates down!" -- Mike Tillman

    "Very happy customer, great seller, good coms, five stars all the way" -- tibor91 on ebay

    "It's working, dark thick growth in my 90g freshwater tropheus tank with Texas Holy Rick. I've removed the Chemipure Elite and Blue, and the phosphate remover I was using" -- Derrick Douglas, Texas, USA.

    "This is at the 5 month mark. I'm getting this about every two weeks! I open the scrubber and it looks like spider webs! Algae everywhere! Drop 1.2 keeping nitrates on my 65 gallon between 5-10. Phosphates I can't get an accurate reading on but there's no algae in the display so I guess it's doing its job" -- Anteus Fisher

    "This things is a beast" - Matthew Boisacy, Herndon, Virginia, USA

    "Thanks heaps good product and working well" -- daveyd21 on ebay

    "It's working great" -- Paul Wikoff

    "The scrubber works great; Switching to a bigger tank so will need a bigger size scrubber" -- rwc095 on ebay

    "Over the last 2 years i have had literally zero algae problems, combined with low phosphates too (I do not use GFO), so the [DROP1.2] algae scrubber is my only means of removing excess nutrients" -- Peter Nottingham, UK

    "Honest to god, after seeing this [DROP1.2] last year I actually went and bought one for myself. It works! Check out my harvest from this morning" -- Joanne Vega, Bob Moore Frag Swap

    "It seem to be working, it fills up in about 7 days" -- Mike O'Connor, Australia

    "Really well built; barely fit into the back of my Innovative Marine Fusion 10... had to take the bottom plate off of the DROP.

    "It works great. I love this product!" -- Mike Orlando, Clifton Park, New York, USA.

    "It's a common sense product; easy and reliable" -- Martin Caceres, Total Aquariums, East Rockaway, New York, USA

    "Happy reefer with DROP1.2 and now I only clean my glass once a week" -- madreamseeker on the SGR site.

    "I have not had to clean the glass of algae since [2 months after getting scrubber] and there is no algae at all in the tank. It took a few months to get the type of algae to grow but now its normal to pull that much out of the tank a month. I have 4 fish in a IM 40 I feed once a day at night. The scrubber just stopped the usual cycle of algae in a new system. This tank has been set up for 18 months now so it's still new. Would not set up a tank without an algae scrubber its just a so easy to use and takes little of my time to care for. Which for me is utter important. Using GFO and other methods of phosphate removal require a constant interaction and replacement of media. So there is a cost in time and money. Which to me is not sustainable" -- reefwiser on the 2R2 site

    "Working well. [DROP1.2] Makes a big difference" -- Chis Moser, Easton, Pennsylvania, USA

    "Very happy with the unit [DROP1.2] it is superlative at what it does" -- Douglas Dixson, Port St. Lucie, Florida, USA.


    "Drop .6X has single handedly helped my reef get through its "ugly" phase the quickest AND has also helped maintain proper nutrient levels which have allowed the coral I have placed in my tank to not only survive, but grow and thrive as well. It's just an amazing piece of hardware that I now consider indispensable for any reefer, new or old. Thank you for creating this awesome algae scrubber!" -- Giovanni Ruiz, Miami, Florida, USA

    "It's working good, and I want another one so I can put my protein skimmer to sleep" -- skate2761 on ebay

    "I am a returning customer and love the first two Santa Monica Filters I bought on ebay, the drop .6x and drop 1.4x. These are in Saltwater tanks and I have never been able to have undetectable Nitrate Levels until I started using them. Worth every penny! Now I am looking at the HOG2x for a 125 Gal Goldfish tank with high Nitrates" -- thomabayne-0 on ebay

    "I have a DROP.6x and am really happy with it. Keeps my phosphates to zero in my two foot aquarium" -- Aaron on the SGR site, Singapore.


    "I love my drop.6 by the way. Fantastic little device" -- Townes_Van_Camp on the R2R site.

    "The Drop has been working great and growing algae" -- John Moody, Australia.

    "it is very very well made you have done great job" -- Peter Worthington, Queensland, Australia

    "My live rock in the tank was like a neon green for months. About a month into putting this unit in... the green is disappearing and the rock is going white. Coralline is starting to show up everywhere. I also started dosing calcium. Not sure if that has anything to do with anything, but my chaeto slowly fizzled out after this thing was put in. I said goodbye to the last strands today." -- Ben Chosenberg on Amazon

    "Nice algae scrubber, good price, highly recommended" -- davidmayhem on ebay

    "it'll grow algae and suck nutrients out of your tank" -- Bradley98 on Amazon

    "My DROP.6 algae scrubber is working very well right now!" -- Robert Lester, Beaverton, Oregon, USA

    "I love the product it was work perfectly" -- Joshua Bussey, Hamburg, Pennsylvania, USA

    "Definitely working well!" -- Tyler Jaax, Savage, Minnesota, USA

    "Crazy amounts of growth! Phosphates are showing no blue... Def below .03 without a doubt. Very interesting result indeed... This is with exhausted phosguard running in my system. every tank will have one of these" -- CJ's Aquarium

    "Really happy with the quality of it [DROP.6] and I have the top 1/2" protruding out so it's silent, other than a faint hum from the air pump" -- Phill on the UR site.

    "Working well already. I love the design of this DROP.6" -- Travis1787 on the RC site

    "So now I believe that Algae Scrubber works and will help my tanks. The Drop box 0.6 proved it!" Wally B, Canada


    "Arrived safely and working a treat thank you! The algae growth is doing a really good job of helping keep the nitrate levels down" -- littlegaz84 on ebay

    "I has taken a little while for the algae to established, but am now getting good growth of green algae" -- Murray Cliffe, Victoria, Australia.

    "Awesome. So far so good! I have some algae growing on the back wall. Seems to be turning brown and dying off due to the scrubber. Love this little monster and I can’t stop recommending your stuff to everyone!" -- Greg Cooper, Woodland Hills, California, USA

    "Hey! I love my scrubber!! It took awhile for me to grow algae which I guess is a good thing but it’s going now. This scrubber is one of my favorite products... I think a lot of nano aio owners could benefit from owning one. Also the instructions that were printed were a nice touch. First product I’ve gotten with such a thorough walkthrough" -- Hector Marquez, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA

    "Works great and i'm upgrading to a bigger tank and already bought bigger version" -- marty421 on ebay

    "It works!" -- Timothy Pritchett, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA

    "Loving my little drop in scrubber on my 30 ltr nano reef, was brilliant, no water changes and keeps nitrate and phosphate in check perfectly" -- Sandy Dobak, UK

    "The two little DROP.2 units I have rock on my 16 gallon nano" -- Konrad Roman, Cairo, New York, USA.

    "My tiny Drop 0.2 is working great. Producing a lot of algae as promoted. The system is more than great. And all in a small footprint" -- Esteban Ceccarelli, Oregon, USA

    "I am very satisfied with quality of the product, and love the overall DROP.2 design" -- Richard Schenk

    "Everything shipped good [DROP.2], can't wait to see results" -- beauha on ebay.

    "Thank you! Got everything [DROP.2]as promised!" -- greaser84 on ebay.

    "Good quality [DROP.2]" -- mrx00007 on ebay.

    "Product arrived on time [DROP.2] and was exactly as described" -- thors_hammer267 on ebay.

    "great product [DROP.2] and service" -- katzolicious on ebay.

    "Nice item [DROP.2], Fast shipping. Thanks!" -- 573290 on ebay.

    "I have a DROP.2 making mad algae!" -- css49015 on the scrubber site.

    "I'm using the DROP.2 and have not done water changes in my BC29 in over a month. Really pleased with the product!" -- basser1 on the NR site.

    "I've been using the UAS DROP.2 for about a year. It's worked great! My nano tank is in serious trouble without the UAS!

    "I have a couple DROP.2 from Santa Monica, and they work good!" -- D Maul on the R2R site.

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