This is my second version of this style filter with a few improvements. It's made from 2" pvc, and 2" pvc drain/trap for the U and 90 degree piece that cost a total of $5. I cut a section of one pvc pipe to the size of Gem5 light and siliconed it in place. It also has a piece of roughed up knitting canvas for algae to grown on. On the other side, I attached another piece of pvc. This piece is optional, but by including it, it provides surface skimming and a really easy place to add and change filter floss. In the bottom of the U I placed some rubble rock for biological filtration media. I also added a piece of 3" pvc over the scrubber side that is longer than the 2". This both contains the bubbles, any escaping light and it works as a protein skimmer. I also cut and glued some pieces to the base so it would stand up on its own.
I have this set up in my quarantine tank and has only been up and running for a little over a week, but so far is working well. I have a tetra 100 air pump connected to it, and I was surprised at just how much water it circulated.
It may be a little large to try and hide in a tank, but for a quarantine or sump it has a lot to offer. What other filter has surface skimming, mechanical filtering, biological, and chemical filtering (nitrate and phosphate) and a protein skimmer for ~$25?