This is another HOG1 or HOG1x in a large sump and is filling in with growth to hopefully be fed to the fish:
This is another HOG1 or HOG1x in a large sump and is filling in with growth to hopefully be fed to the fish:
This HOG1 or 1x shows an interesting brown spot in the middle. It looks like the top of the spot is where the water line was, either because it was installed where the water was low, or because the top air hole was clogged with growth (although it looks open now).
Not really sure what made the middle brown, but it might be over-illumination from not cleaning, since it's a pattern that looks like two LEDs in the center of a HOG1.
Certainly it needed a good brushing in a sink a while ago, because you can see the slime letting go in spots like the red arrow. The Green Grabber growth surfaces can hold on to slime longer than a waterfall screen, but it can't hold on forever.
This makes a good point: One reason you don't see waterfall screens with thick layers of slime like this is because waterfall screens can't hold onto slime very well; it just all falls off because it's not underwater.
This DROP1.4 or 1.4x shows how the strong PAR of the GEM5® lights on the side walls burn through the dark thick slime. This slime should have been brushed out sooner, but since it's here, the red 660nm light continues to shine through and thus filtering continues. Note that this slime would have already fallen off the screen of a waterfall scrubber (because it's above the water) but bubble upflows like this DROP are under water and thus the water supports the slime and keeps it from escaping. This is one reason why you don't see slime as often on waterfalls... because the slime has already fallen off and gone down the drain.
This DROP1.2x (tm) scrubber could be from fresh or saltwater. The nutrients in the water are very high, causing a dark/black slime growth that is holding on to the white Green Grabber® rocky textures. Most of this slime would have already fallen off of a waterfall scrubber screen because it is above the water.
This HOG scrubber could be in fresh or saltwater, with the light removed. On the left is some growth swirling around, and on the right is later, with more growth, and the red line is the waterline of the display.
Keeping a HOG slightly above the waterline of a display or sump makes it more quiet, and keeps most of the salt/lime spray inside.
And this Cladophora type of growth, if you get it, is great to feed all types of fish...
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