GEM5 customer comments:
"Working great Thank you!" -- Damon Dyche, Ames, Iowa, USA
"These light and Green Grabber screen are really amazing" -- Vitza on the site.
"These are some mean lights" -- Douglas Norman, Boston, Massachusettes, USA
"I am using your GEM LED bars in my Sumps and they are doing wonders for my Upflow and also my refuge. Interesting, is I made a DIY LED EXTERNAL Panel with 6 Red LEDs and 1 blue, and the GEM LED is doing better, since it's in the water more in the center of the upflow (appears that way). Both in same chamber. in Upflow Scrubber I LOVE IT!!! I may order one more since I have one Spare Power Cord slot. Running two in my other Sump. I will certainly include your GEM LED in ATS as part of the Overall Tank Setup Overview. Will do when Tank Setup is fully completed. Looks like The GEM really Kicked in on New Tank ATS. Good thing, since new setup isn’t growing Algae in DT. GEM is MUMIFIED in growth" -- Wally Brejniak, Canada
"They are working great" --Patsy Dawe, Canada
"These are great lights we have used these lights in our algae scrubbers and in refugiums in our coral farm with great results" -- Chris Tracey, Country Aquatics, South Boardman, Michigan, USA
"Love these GEM lights on my scrubber and refugium" -- David Rasmussen on FB
"The LEDs are doing great and working out well. Thank you again" -- Eli Brewer, Deerfield Beach, Florida, USA
"They are extremely bright. This is set up on my mbuna cichlid tank, and it pretty much holds nitrates steady. " -- Mark Strimaran
With GEM5® underwater submersible lights, you can drop them right into your fuge or even a chaeto reactor. And since each GEM5 light is 5 real watts at the light (not "at the plug", and not "equivalent to") and does not power down when in the open air, the LEDs are strong enough to prevent (or "burn away") growth on their lenses and thus can keep illuminating the surrounding growth no matter how thick it gets.
One way to mount GEM5® lights to the side of a DIY waterfall scrubber box. Although the lights come with suction cups that would also work, this box is narrow and the lights put out more PAR (up to 1000 par per light) than any other submersible grow light, so he wanted the lights further away. So some simple eggcrate does the trick.
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