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Thread: Water distributor tray scrubber design for licensing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    Water distributor tray scrubber design for licensing

    Available for licensing soon in the U.S. will be my water distributor tray scrubber design, as has been used for a few years on the SLIP.7 but can be used on the top of any waterfall scrubber:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	slip.7diagram12.jpg
Views:	298
Size:	54.8 KB
ID:	8537

    It is diagramed more in the instructions:

    This design allows you to reach in from the top and remove the water distributor tray and screen together, upwards, easily and without turning off the water. It also can go easily into the back of AIO tanks, either as an add-on or as OEM. The finished scrubber can be any size, and can have lights on 1 or 2 sides, and can also have our optional upflow bubbles at the bottom to make it a combo scrubber.

    Licensing will be reasonable and will be available to U.S. makers, resellers or importers, and can be exclusive or non-exclusive.

    For people who still want to view the growth easily, and remove the entire waterfall scrubber with one hand, our RAIN scrubbers are preferred.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    DIY and MFG diagrams

    Click image for larger version

Name:	tray licensing post pics.jpg
Views:	322
Size:	81.0 KB
ID:	8562

    Here is a diagram showing three different Santa Monica Filtration waterfall versions available for DIY or manufacturing. The first waterfall version on the left is the "standard" one I designed in 2008 and donated as free open source to the public domain for others to build; you can see one of the original 2008 forum postings at www.ats2008.org .

    This is the version that most people use to manufacture/sell because it is free open source, and it works good as long as safe low-voltage (such as 12V) lights are used; see my LEDsafety.org post. The obvious open-source feature of this version is the water pipe coming from the side of the box, going over the top of the box, and the screen goes into a slot in this pipe so that the screen and pipe come out together. The pipe does not go through the bottom of the box like the RAIN.

    The second waterfall version in the middle is the overflowing SLIP tray version, which is described in the patent application below, and which has been on-sale in the SLIP.7 model since 2020. The SLIP.7 is a very small example of this design, but it can be built any size that is needed; size does not change it's function.

    The main feature of this version is the "reservoir compartment" or "water outlet structure" that is the SLIP.7 tray. It removes the overhead water pipe, and allows the screen to be pulled up without disconnecting any pipes, or turning off the water. This version is available for manufacturers to license to build, sell, or import in the U.S.

    The third version on the right is a round version of the SLIP tray, which operates the same except that it fits easily into standard round acrylic tubes such as for skimmers, reactors, etc. This version is also available for manufacturers to license to build, sell, or import in the U.S.

    Licenses are according to these soon-to-be-filed patent claims:


    ...which are a continuation of allowed U.S. patent application 16/848,779 which has a priority date of 2015, which is a continuation of U.S. patent 10,665,095:


    ...not including the RAIN which has its own patents. All versions are available for DIY for home use, and many examples can be found on our forum at www.AlgaeScrubber.Net

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    Claims have been filed, and will be published shortly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    For those who needed the claims to be published of the lateral slot in the water distributor tray sitting on the main body, they were published today by the patent office:


    and a copy of the pdf is here:


    The claims are on page 61, and the most pertinent drawings are:

    figure 14 on page 12
    figure 17 on page 15
    figure 18 on page 16

    Click image for larger version

Name:	US20240026258A1 fig 17.jpg
Views:	283
Size:	57.7 KB
ID:	8659

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