This is how to handle slime on waterfall screens which occurs in higher nutrients, which many times is when a scrubber is first added to an older tank.

This RAIN2 has an optional slime screen which has vertical slime rails on one side, allowing you to compare the rail side to the non-rail side. The left photo is without the rails, and the right side is with the rails. Another version of the screen has rails on both sides.

Slime, especialy dark slime like this, does not hold on well to waterfall screens. Even the high-gripping Green Grabber textues which hold better than any other waterfall screen sometimes has trouble. This is because slime has no roots and gets detached by gravity. The slime rails on this screen give much more surface area for the slime to hold on to, however, the screen still should be brushed throughly clean in your sink with tap water (so no algae is remaining) every 3 to 5 days, or else additional growth will have trouble attaching.

If the nutrients in the water come down because of the high filtering of the slime, and growth then turns into green hair algae, the regular stock flat screen (without rails) should be used again.

Screen info:


Slime info:

Click image for larger version

Name:	r2 slime vs reg screen big.jpg
Views:	174
Size:	99.8 KB
ID:	8797