You hypothesis of occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts was nicely put. I do agree somewhat, but of course it is all speculation. I desire to perform a practical application. It will not be scientific, just the addition of CO2 and then by simple visual inspection, during a specific time, determine if the results are of a positive nature. :?:
I do know that pro algae growers for biodiesel supplement with CO2 for best results. Again, I think if you off gas prior to the waters return to main tank, PH should not be an issue, considering the buffering capaicty with the high KH content of saltwater or in a hardwater tank , as is my case.
Anyway, it is just a hobby for fun, and fun to experiment with and something to do. I am not a scientist, nor biologist, just a retired hunter.
I like your contributions - thanks. :mrgreen: