Hi all,
This is just a small scale expeiment a the moment but I thought I would post my results so far. I hope to use what I have learned to aid in the design of my next tank and will post more as the idea develops.
I was looking for ways to use the wasted light and existing flow from my tank to power a scrubber. The green turf was growing well in my weir so I figured I might try something along those lines. I'll let the pictures explain.
These two are showing the light that is used on the tank and the screen that I roughed up by dragging a serated knife across it.
Before and after shots of the weir. Day 1.
Day 2.
Day 4.
The other things that take care of filtration in this setup. The weir with screen removed after two weeks.
Two weeks later. Not bad for an experiment. You can easily see how the turf prefers to grow on different parts of the screen.
30 seconds under the tap and a good hard scrub with my tradies hands and the screen is back in for the next round.
Please feel free to leave your advice and critisisms. I have procured a second 3ft tank for the garage and will be going the ATS only option. This type of design will be used in a more refined form so that the main light will be the light source for the ATS as well as the corals.