Hey guys

Not sure if my scrubber is still building up or whether i need to make alterations.
Getting yellow/brown slime, have done 3 cleanings now, slowly seeing more green.
My scrubber has been running for 2 months now, i started a new 130L (35G) tank with dead rock which had been cycling in a bucket for another 2 months prior.
Display has purple/brown stringy algae growing from rocks and substrate.

Live stock: 1 fire fish and 3 coral frags.
Feeding: small amount of frozen

Was originally made using older design guidelines, pre-feeding guiding lines.
Screen size: 17cm wide x 25cm high, double sided
Flow: 700 litres per hour
Watts: 2 x 20 cfl
Distance from light: 4cm, 1.5 inches, physical space limitation cant move lights any further away unless maybe drop to single sided
Photo period: 12 hours

No other filtration/skimmer is running.

Most recent cleaning, 8 days growth.

Other side

After cleaning

Size comparison with pen

Screen is fed directly from tank overflow to sump, aluminum foil for reflector

Lights off

Lights on

Any suggestions on how i can improve this?
SM, am i better to wait for the new design? Eta?

Thanks for a brilliant and informative site