hi guys,
i'm from Turkey so my english is not perfect.
--i have 500 litres(132 galons) tank
--my tank is 150 cm x 50cm x 60cm(h)
--i have 10 discus fish
--temprature of my tank is 29 celsius in other words 84.2 Fahrenheit.
--i have a sump
--my tank has been working for only 4 weeks
--tank's nitrate is 100 mg/l and nitrite 5 mg/l
i want to make an Algae Scrubbers and ? did it but ? cant create any algaes.my system is glass which has flyscreen ,and water is flowing in this floor
--my light system is 60 watt and 24 watt energy saving bulb and 60 watt blue bulb.
what is the problem with my tank?
these are my tank and algae scrubber pictures.
another screen