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Thread: 3-D growth oriented scrubber

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Cool 3-D growth oriented scrubber

    I've been reading through the faq's and find mention of 3-d growth scrubbers being the most efficent.

    Are there any scrubbers geared toward maximizing this effect?

    Could some of the veterans in scrubbers chime in and help me to understand what 3-D growth is and how it is obtained?
    Is it just algae growth that is submerged? If so would a fully submerged unit be the best?(ofcourse providing it is safe electrically. lol)

    Any ideas, suggestions, or designs for capitalizing on this 3-D growth phenomenon?


    I'll kick things off with the concept of a flat clear channel with the screen suspended in the middle and lights on both sides or top/bottom. The channel would be completely flooded however. Possible even a sump submerged model using a prop type power head for flow? Seen mention of using these but can't find thread again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

    Re: 3-D growth oriented scrubber

    3D is actually simple to get by slowing the drain down on an acrylic scrubber. The SM100 is already sized for that, but if you do your own you can play with flow and drain, in order to make it happen.

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