So here is a quick and dirty MS paint of my idea for my next scrubber.

To explain what that simple thing is, pretty much a mini Santa Monica 100 that uses LEDs and will fit inside the rim of the sump on a 15G tank. The ATS box will sit 1/2 above the rim and half below the rim to keep it compact in my short stands. It will be all black, I just used different colors in the drawing to show the different pieces. Screen will be 6"x6" and using 6 LEDs per side, 2x 455nm, 2x 630-640nm, and 2x 650-660nm per side. The box will be made out of black ABS plastic ordered from, cut with a table saw, sanded, and bonded with weld-on. There will be a 90 degree barb fitting for the input side and a drain on the bottom, there will be 3 independent lids, led light boxes using lexan as dividers between the screen so ensure no warping/melting from the LEDs being so close. The whole thing will be solid, water tight, and modular, simply unplug the pump feeding the ATS and plug for the LEDs and you can pull the entire thing right off if you needed to. There will be baffles in the sump, I just didn't draw any.

This drawing depicts a 15G sump (24"x10"x13"tall), so the ATS part is really small, about 9" long x 8" deep x 8" tall for the box part.