I'm trying to get a feeling for how much people really feed when they have an ATS running. So, for all those who have a successful ATS running. How much do you feed, in "cube equivalents" if you can calculate that, what do you feed, what kind of tank (fish only, mixed reef, LPS, SPS, FW, etc), and how big (tank + sump if you have one)?
For example, for my tank:
How much: 3-4 cubes/day
What: one cube mixed frozen, one cube mysis, occasional silverside and, from an autofeeder 2x daily, Spectrum or Hikari pellets.
Kind: lightly loaded mixed reef (2 tangs, three anthias, midas blenny, longnose hawk, watchman goby, couple nems, couple SPS, couple LPS, a few softies and polyps). Had a ghost eel until last week. He went missing...
Size: 125 US gallons + 20 US gallon sump.