Have been reading this forum for quite a while now, and have decided to build myself a scrubber for my tank.

I currently have a 275L tank with 110L sump. I run bio-pearls in a reactor and also a skimmer.

My nitrate is always 10 or higher and phos is 0.03

Bio-pearls are expensive, so my main reason for a scrubber is to save money aswell as try to finally have 0 nitrates, as I have never achieved this.

I feed my tank between 1 cube a day and also a pinch of flake, but I would like to get some more fish, so would increase feeding to 2 cubes a day.

Current stock is:
Female Leopard Wrasse (Macropharyngodon bipartitus)
Yellow Eye Kole Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus)
2x Ocellaris Clownfish, Tank Bred (Amphiprion ocellaris)

I was planning on lighting double sided, and maybe using the flow from my return (need to calculate the flow rate).

So far I have bought the screen, 2x clip on lamp holders and 2x 30W bulbs.

I was thinking of a 5x5 screen, so would these bulbs be ok, or is it overkill?

Click image for larger version

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Just need to order a bit of pipework and off I go.

Will update this thread as and when some action happens!!

Thanks for looking