Hi all,

I'm wondering if anybody has direct experience with a waterfall (horizontal/vertical) in a nano tank with a mandarin fish? Say 40 gallons or less (where a mandarin would definitely not survive, unless it has been trained to eat frozen food of course).

It seems to me that anecdotal evidence suggests that an algae scrubber is capable of supporting a mandarin? Surely this is a huge revelation for nano tank owners as these fish are one of, if not the most beautiful nano fish you can get, and many people want one of these fish but can't if their tank is too small.

I know that it has been said that scrubbers provide hundreds of thousands of 'pods', but just want to know if there's any solid evidence. I'm talking copepods, not amphipods which are easy to see.
I'm going to start testing this when I can.

If you have experience of this, please post your screen size and the size of your mandarin fish.