Well.. After my 1st sump inicident, I got around to build a new sump therefore a new ATS!! Have to admit I am getting really good at fab'ing with arylic.

Hence ATS V3:

- New box design, screen is within 1/8" of touching the water in the sump
- New protective socket boxes for mounting lights to cross bracing, drill and tapped 1/4x20 (have the light boxes drill and tapped 3 sets for distance option.) Nylon bolts to hold light boxes to cross braces in top of sump tank.
- New pump.. pumping around 550-600gph on my 11x12 split screen.

Click image for larger version

Name:	ATS v3.2.jpg
Views:	570
Size:	93.1 KB
ID:	7137Click image for larger version

Name:	ATS v3.1.jpg
Views:	543
Size:	91.3 KB
ID:	7138