I don't think original poster dtyharry has gotten a fair snap shot of ATS in responses so far since 2 of tanks were moved.
I have run a ATS for 9 months for a tank that was largely under control with algae. All corals started a growth phase after 2-3 months starting ATS and it still continues.
Downsides are plain scolyoma died and acans retratced due to lower nutrients. Acans fully recovered and have grown since. Fish were indifferent. I do skim lightly as a back up and removed some dead bacteria as ATS produces carbon sources for bacteria. Cyano fully disappeared for several months and only pest is some bubble algae. I will try fish and crabs. Very minor issue though. I fully recommend it overall. I did use one treated of chemiclean and it never returned in 3 months.
I still recommend water changes and skimmer. I went through a feather duster explosion and did my best to enjoy it knowing it would die back with time. Sponges and white dots in sump are an issue for maintenance but aquarists would want this type of growth though.
Really we need pictures however.